Killer's Bright Idea.

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"Plastic surgery?" Your eyes must be the size of tea saucers as you stare up at the blonde, your mouth agape and your heart seemingly frozen inside your chest.

I don't like this idea!

"Yes, I think it'll be the best course of action now, since you murdered the only man who could have cleared your names." You can practically feel the blonde glaring at you from beneath his mask as he sits opposite you, he had decided to have this talk whilst everybody else was out doing their little jobs. 

Killer had smartly even sent Kid on a small job of his own, the redhead didn't at all like when you were forbidden to go with him but he reluctantly agreed nonetheless, which is how you've landed in this situation.

Though, Killer is a genius compared to his boss so perhaps his plan isn't as terrible as it may seem.

Yes, I can trust Kill--

"You'll have to slip a drug in Kid's drink also to knock him out then we'll get the surgeon--"

"Whoa, whoa! WHAT?!" Just when you thought your eyes couldn't get any wider, the blonde suggests this. "Drug Kid?! Do you think I have a death wish?!"

"On the contrary," The male merely rumbles, his voice still sounding somewhat muffled as his focus shifts down to some documents that he had stolen last night, sifting through them carelessly as he speaks. "I believe you're the only person he wouldn't harm upon finding out."

"He'll never trust me again!"

"You're being dramatic."


"That brings me to your next little task." He continues, still sounding as calm as ever whilst laying out a piece of paper in front of you. "You'll be needing to persuade this man to help us."

Your eyes vaguely scan the document laid before you, it lists certain procedures and major surgeries that this certain someone can do, your heart seemingly jumping up into your throat as you read the man's name.

Trafalgar D. Water Law. 

"You've got to be kidding me!"

"Trafalgar isn't Kid's biggest fan but he's an honourable guy, if you earn his loyalty. He'll discreetly do the surgery so it'll be near impossible for Kid or yourself to be recognised by authorities." 

"The last time him and Kid spoke, they ended up beating the crap out of each other!" Yes, the barfight is still very fresh in your mind, mainly because it scared you shitless. 

You didn't know if Kid would have killed the doctor and gotten into deep trouble with the authorities or if Law was surprisingly stronger than he looked and would have ended up even killing Kid, both thoughts had you terrified. 

"That's no surprise, Kid hates him."

So how do you think he'll react when he finds out that Trafalgar did surgery on him?!

By some miracle, despite arguing that you will not help with such a ludicrous plan, you still end looking for Trafalgar Law on Killer's behalf.

Luckily for you, it's Christmas Eve so you get away with having your scarf wrapped around your mouth and nose to hide a majority of your face all while having your fluffy hood pulled up and over your head also.

Though much to your dismay, Law doesn't seem to be home, you've knocked and waited for at least 5 minutes now, it only seems to have made his dog bark but nobody answered so with a deep sigh, you make your way through town with high hopes that you'll find him there.

Do doctors work on Christmas Eve? I should think not...maybe.

In the centre of town, you find the townsfolk gathered around a stage, or some of the townsfolk anyway. Most of the people here, you've never seen before. 

Great, now what?!

On stage is a man with dark hair and intimidating golden eyes, he's dressed somewhat formally but also a little gothic, his piercing stare meeting your gaze briefly before they flicker onto somebody else.

So that's Dracule Mihawk...he's about as scary as they say.

Although when your attention shifts to the side, you spot his daughter stood next to the stage, seemingly reading little cards with a pout etched into her features.

Yes, you will help me!

With much urgency, you rush through the crowd and toward the redhead, boldly pushing people aside in the process before blurting a half-hearted apology. Mihawk's voice seeming to get louder and louder as you approach the stage and therefore, the speakers, finally stopping once you reach the girl and earning yourself a somewhat questionable glance.

"Can I help you?"

"Yes! I need to know where Trafalgar is!" You stamper out, pulling down your scarf a little in the process to give the girl a clear indication of who you are, but that only causes her to frown at you. "It's important! Kid and I desperately need his help!"

"Kid?" The girl echoes, her brows knitting together as her face scrunches up in apparent disgust. "Your barbarian attacked him before, why should Law offer him any aid now?!"

Suddenly it feels a lot hotter out here, your thought process seemingly being hit by a train as your words get stuck in your throat. "I...uh. So, you've heard about the fight, huh?" Yes, your reaction is awful but honestly, you can't think of anything better to say right now.

"I saw the result of it. You can keep that brute away from him in future." The girl's gaze swiftly travels toward her father on stage when he beckons her to come up, seemingly naming her the museum's second curator; you had heard that Mihawk owns such an establishment but right now you could care less about that, your hands clutching onto Kyo's sleeve as she tries to make her way up on stage and pulling her back down again.

"Tell me where Law is or I'll...I'll steal his dog!"

"What?! Let go of me, you fool! I have to do a speech!"

"Not until you tell me where Law is, you pompous little snot!"

Not the most conventional way to get information out of a person but at least you're not murdering her like you had done with Apoo, the girl shooting you a harsh glare as she finally hisses "Would you like me to tell the police where to find you and your little gang?" through gritted teeth.

"Kyo!" Mihawk essentially barks from the stage, impatience riddling in his tone and causing his daughter's glare to fall into a look of worry as she tries to wiggle herself free more vigorously, which only results in you tightening your hold, nipping at her skin in the process.

"And I'll just tell them that you threatened me with a knife!"

"Because you were in my pa's home!"

"And you ended up letting me have Perona's necklace! Not to mention the necklace that you lost and didn't want Law to know about? I'll tell your father and your lover everything!" Your warnings successfully earn you the coldest glare known to man but it does the trick at least.

"He's at the hospital." Kyo finally growls, causing your grip to loosen enough for her to pull herself free before rushing onto stage with her father and hastily beginning her speech. Although she sounds angry as hell while talking to the audience, one would think that she's speaking to a bunch of fleas.

Oops. Sorry, lady.

With no further ado though, you swiftly begin to make your way to the hospital, pushing your scarf back up over your mouth and nose in the process. 

Convincing Kyo to tell you where he is was a pain, sure.

But something tells you that convincing Trafalgar Law himself to help will be even harder.

If there is such a thing as Christmas miracles, I need one now.


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