A Bold Twist.

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Before you know it, the game has you ending up in just your underwear, shivering a little as the cold air attacks your delicate skin and causes goosebumps to prick up along your arms.

Your hands making a futile attempt to keep you warm by rubbing your biceps as an annoyed pout sits on your face.

"[F/n]..." Wire nonchalantly calls out for your attention, only warranting himself a disgruntled murmur of the word: 'What?' The tall male clearly seeing that as encouragement to continue. "Is it true that you'd like to have...intercourse with Bonney?"

Both him and Cade have exhausted their list of men to taunt you with so have seemingly moved onto females instead, your hand already reaching behind your back and preparing to remove your bra since you have no intention of clearing her from the list of potential crushes either, only drawing the men's gazes to yourself even more.

Although, a strong hand drapes over yours before you manage to unhook the material, ceasing your actions immediately as Kid's voice lowly rasps from beside you. "That's enough for tonight." He simply states and seemingly confusing Heat, Wire and Cade a little in the process, although Killer simply gets up without questioning his boss at all.

"But Boss, it's only--"

"We've all got a long day tomorrow!" The redhead abruptly  interrupting Heat's words as he raises from his seat, the rest of the crew seeming hesitant but they obediently end the game before standing up themselves, all gathering what little amounts of clothing were discarded from them before they make their ways to their respected rooms.

Of course, you don't even bother to pick up your pile since you'll be getting straight into your pyjamas once entering your bedroom anyway, you'll have to wake up at about 8am tomorrow in order to travel to Sir. Crocodile's restaurant which is located about 5 towns over but you'll also have to meet with Monet first to collect the box of mice.

As you enter your bedroom, you attempt to push your door shut behind you but something stops it from closing completely.

Your brows furrowing as you turn on your heel to face the disturbance, only to find yourself practically inches away from a certain redhead's chest, your wide eyes glancing up to his face as a vague blush spreads itself across your cheeks.


"Kid." He firmly corrects while kicking your door shut behind him, a dangerous smirk decorating his face as his lust-filled eyes look you up and down, you don't miss how his tongue discreetly runs along his lips at the mere sight of you either.

"Ki-Kid, what exactly are you doing in my room?" You try your utmost best to keep a stern and controlled voice as the beastly male approaches you confidently, his hand gently grasping at your jaw and tilting your head back slightly, forcing you to look him in the eyes as his thumb caresses your quivering lips. "I-I...never gave you permission to enter my quarters."

Don't bend to him like this!

"I don't need permission, this is my sanctuary after all." He rumbles carelessly, leaning into your face and causing your noses to lightly brush as his hand begins to wander, trailing down your neck and your half-naked body, only stopping at your hip. "Besides, you don't seem that eager to get me away from you. In fact, your body seems to react well to my touch."

You partly want to debate this but you know that if you did, you'd only lose.

Your eyes instinctively glancing down to his lips as his breath fans your face gently, your hands placing themselves against his chest and your slight hunger only increasing when you feel his muscles against your palms, you linger mere centimetres from his lips for a moment, silently fighting with yourself whether this is right or wrong.

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