The Big News.

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You awaken to the sound of muffled and distant bickering, your tired eyes stinging as they slowly slide open, squinting a little at the light in the room. 

The highest-ranking members of the sanctuary have bright auto-lights built into their rooms that switch on electronically in the mornings to let them know that it's time to get up, of course this doesn't wake just stops most of them from peacefully going back to sleep.

Well, except for Kid, it seems. 

Yes, he managed to get you into bed for the second time now.

At least it's his bed this time and you must admit, it's shockingly rather comfortable.

You're not entirely sure why you're so surprised though, it's Eustass Kid, the master of this guild. 

Naturally, he'll have the comfiest bed here.

Speaking of the redhead; he is still fast asleep beside you with a strong arm draped around your bare waist while the other is nestled underneath his pillow, seemingly supporting his head, his hair is as wild as always but it's considerably flatter than usual, messily falling into his sleeping face which bothers you somewhat.

Apart of you wishes to see him at his most vulnerable point.

With gentle fingers, you carefully brush aside some of his colourful strands to get a better look at his features and for once, the man looks very calm. 

A subtle twitch of his eyelids every now and then but that's all.

No pout, no frown, no swearing and no brutality.

I wonder what he's dreaming about... 

A small scoff forces it's way out of your mouth as you picture the big and bold Eustass Kid dreaming about something stupid like unicorns or fairies. Almost automatically, you begin to tangle his loose locks around your fingertips, a tiny smile tugging on your lips as your eyes take in the sight laid out before you.

His naked body does an amazing job of keeping yours warm as you rest against his chest, although it does very little to aid your aching thighs and hips.

You can't control the light blush that dusts your cheeks as you think back to the events of last night; you had began to argue about how crappy his driving is once you got back here but it somehow lead to him testing you, trying to see just how much you wanted him as his greedy hands started to roam and fondle your body through your clothes. 

And after only a few moments, much to your horror, you ended up admitting that you want him very badly.

Everything else from that moment on is an ecstasy-filled blur mixed with a bit of pain but above all, you just remember screaming his name as an amazing feeling washed over your whole body. 

What have you done to me, Eustass Kid? Why can't I resist you? 

"Y'know..." The male mumbles lazily, his eyes still closed but his arm is tightening around you waist, almost as if he had read your mind. "For somebody who claims to dislike me so much, you're acting oddly affectionate..."

It's in this moment that you realize how long you've been toying with his hair, a regretful grimace plastering itself across your face as you swiftly retract your hand, only causing the brute to let out an airy chuckle as his amber orbs squint open.

The whites of his eyes are slightly bloodshot but you'd imagine that's just a morning quirk of his, his usual scowl dominating his features as he grumbles, free hand slipping out from under the pillow to shield himself from the lighting. 

Thief. {Eustass Kid x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now