Chapter 11: Forced

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I have done a LOT of writing on this fan fiction. I have legit written 3 chapters or summin so get ready for those coming soon! But now I have a little bit more written I can finally post this big momentous chapter that y'all been waiting patiently for. Thanks for being here and supporting this fic ❤️ Enjoy!

Cyrus POV:

I adjusted my top button in the mirror of the hallway, anxiety was practically seeping out of me as I then proceeded to have anxiety about anxiety causing sweat patches. Shit. I ran a hand through my hair for about the millionth time in the past 30 minutes I've been trying to get ready. Right, maybe a shirt isn't the best option, especially when I feel like this. And so, I changed for the 3rd time. I made eye contact with the scared, sad and insecure boy looking back at me in the glass. His lip in a frown and eyes begging for help. Me. Although I appear rather outfit choices are on point. This is the one.

So what if I was wearing the same pastel pink hoodie I wear all the time? It's what I feel comfortable in and if I need anything right now, it's comfort. Biting my lip, I took my rainbow bracelet and put it on, boosting some extra confidence into my battering heart. I tried a smile but it just didn't look or feel right, it was as if there were weights pulling down the corners of my mouth. Those weights called friends.

After taking my phone from its charger, I trudged down the stairs to put my rainbow vans on whilst my mom eyed me carefully from her chair. 'Cyrus?'

I glanced up, 'Yeah?'

My mom paused before continuing, 'Are you sure you want to go to this party?'

I acted as if what she'd asked was crazy, 'Of course I do! Why wouldn't I?'

She knew I was lying, I knew I was lying, 'You just don't look seem very excited,'

I sighed, 'I've gotta go, I'll be late otherwise,'

'Ok, have fun,' My mom said as normally as she was capable of but I could tell she knew something was up.


When I got to Andi's, it was evident a party was happening. Music was vibrating from the pavement and pulsing through my blood from the drive. The amount of people I could see through the windows made my stomach twist into knots to the point I thought I might actually throw up. I swallowed it down. Not now, they'll be pissed.

My feet managed to drag me to the door so i could open it to reveal exactly what I had expected. Almost an exact replica of what I had pictured in the millions of scenarios I'd imagined on the walk here...and yesterday...and since I knew about this party.

The only thing I could appreciate that was only just visible through the crowd of teenagers jumping to the same, boring beat over and over again; the disgusting array of drinks which I'm pretty sure are not legal for our age and the gross smell of BO was the bouquets tied around the house that gave it a really nice summer feel other than the rest that made it feel like a rave, not that I know what that's like.

I stuck out like a sore thumb, everyone else was  either wearing something branded or black. I must look very out of my depth and to be honest, I am. As I was trying to take in my surroundings, Buffy suddenly made me jump as she purposely tried to scare me. That plus my anxiety made me feel as if I'd had an electric shock. I subtly clung to the wall and laughed along with her as if everything was fine. It wasn't. She took my hand and lead me directly through the crowd as if no one was there at all. Meanwhile, I was dodging bodies and drink spillages like I was doing the cha cha slide.

I should've just turned and left, I should've told my friends I don't like how they've been treating me, I should've texted TJ so we could get away from this together. Instead I let myself be pulled towards more things I hate and pretended to be ok with it. Andi and Jonah greeted me as if I was their favourite person in the whole entire world when I got there. I'm not. They just like being able to push me around without a response.

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