Chapter 28: What they're like

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Hitting the road in the morning, we drove for half an hour before Chris slowed the car down and pulled into the gas station where the man had given us free candy.

We only got a packet of wispa bites along with the petrol and went to the counter.

'Ah! You're back,' he said, closing his newspaper, 'I hoped you would be,' scanning our items he asked, 'You kids going home?'

Chris, or Clementine rather, nodded.

''ve been gone a long time,' he counted, '3 days today?'

'That's not much,'

'It is for your parents,' he wagged a finger, taking our money and chucking two tangfastic packets our way, 'If you ever decide to run away, road-trip as you call it, stop by,'

'We will! Thanks so much!' We left and got into the car again.

It may have been short but I was grateful for the drop in with him. It delayed the time I'd have to see my parents.

My fear worsened when we passed the Shadyside sign. Chris noticed, resting his hand on my leg, 'It'll be fine, I'm going to park
around the corner so they don't see my car,'


'...what are you going to tell them?'

I took a deep breath, 'the truth minus: you, the mileage and the sex.'

'So.....a complete lie?'


'I'm saying that I only went to Logan to finish a project, I took the photo for evidence. Then I found my dad and decided to stay longer.' Chris recited, putting the car on the curb, 'You going to tell anyone the truth?'

'Reed and Lester?'

'Only them, no one else,' Chris insisted, 'I don't want you to get in trouble,' I was about to open the car door when he added, 'Don't I get a kiss goodbye?'

I grimaced, 'You're so cringe Clem,'

'Did you just call me Clem?'


'That's cute,'

Complying, I kissed his lips momentarily before leaving the car and waving him down the road.

Now the hard part.

I tried to be as cool as possible when I opened my front door, walking into my house to see my mom anxiously biting her nails and tapping her foot on the floor waiting for me on the couch. Her head snapped up and she raced over to envelop me in a hug.

'TJ! I was so worried! I'm so glad you're home!'

I hugged back but let go first.

Her concern then instantly changed to anger, 'Where were you? What were you doing?' My mom's eyes then when to my neck, 'What the hell are those?'

I went to the kitchen, dying for a drink, 'What does it look like they are?'

Crossing her arms, mom followed me there, she repeated, 'Where were you?'

'Road-trip around Utah,' I answered, having some water and leaning against the counter.

'With who?'

'Someone,' I shrugged.

'Did you drive?'


'Do they have a license?'

'A permit,'

'What were you doing?'

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