Can't Help It - Red's POV

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I am unable to stop myself from visiting his post. From a distance of course, but I still feel like he knows I'm here. He always has a sad smile on his face when he's talking to people and when he's alone... He cries.

I don't want to make him cry so I stop coming for a while and beg Boss to go check how he is for me. When he comes back he says he looked really depressed. I want to go talk to him and cheer him up with a pun or something, but... I'm too scared.

I sit behind a tree near his post drawing with my finger in the snow. 

"That's it, son." A threatening voices calls from his booth. "You're price is outrages! I'm taking my food and I'm giving you 3g! " The man grabs a bag of some sort and starts to walk off.

"You know.... Stealing is pretty low. Even for a bastard like you." I say appearing in front of him, red smoke oozing out my my eye. "Now if you could kindly return that bag to the gentleman we can go in peace." 

"F-fine." He says. "J-just d-don't hurt m-me!" He throws the bag at Sans and sprints off. I land on the ground in front of Sans.

"What the heck was that?!" Sans yells at me.

"I just prevented you from getting robbed!" 

"I didn't need your help!" He says turning away from me. 

"Look I'm sorry for bein' a nice person, but he was robbin' you!"

"I could have stopped him!" He snaps.

"Well, you weren't. I'll be on my way if this is how you thank me-"

"No! I'm sorry I'm just... Embarrassed to have needed your help." He says apologetically.

"It's fine. I'll just... I'll just be going." I say jerking my arm out of his grasp.

"Please stay!" He yells.


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