Revealed - Drawing's POV

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Me and the others struggle to get me off the floor. I couldn't believe that Panda was capable of this! Why didn't anyone tell me??

"Panda..." Frisk starts. "Did you really... KILL his frisk?" She reveals her tear stained face to us all to see. "Why... Why would y-you do that?!" She stands up balling her fists.

"I-I ... I just... I CAN'T!!" Panda's eyes turn black and her pupils turn pink as she slams Frisk into the wall.

"What the hell is wrong with you?!?" Fell screams and slams Panda against the wall. "First you lie to us then you hit Drawing and now you hit Frisk?!"

"Fell calm the fuck down!!!" I yell, grabbing Fell's arm.

"Let go of me! Don't tell me you feel bad for this asshole! You need to start using your god damned brain!!" Fell argues shoving me off her. 

"I'm fine, Fell! Just let her go!" Frisk said struggling to stand up.

"NO!  Who knows what else she's hiding! She could be trying to kill us for all we know!" Fell yells while tightening her grip on Panda's neck.

"Fell, PLEASE!!" Frisk cries out.

"Why do you try to save her!? Can you see I'm just drawing to PROTECT you?!?!" Fell screams.

I gasp as I see red strings wrap around Fell's body. I turn to the door to see Otter, Sans, Red, Ink, and Error, Who glared at Fell with a glowing eye.

"GoD," Error starts. "YoU sOuNd JuSt LiKe HiM." He growls.

"What the fuck is goin' on here?!" Red asks in a panic. "Let Fell go!" 

"I cAn'T dO tHaT." Error states bluntly. "ArE yOu BlinD? ShE wAs TrYiNg To KiLl PaNdA."

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