Dead or Alive - Classic Frisk's POV

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(Sorry if the last chapter seemed rushed! My computer was dying!)

I rush out of our house in only my blue and purple sweater for warmth with the other Frisks behind me. I'm following Drawing, who told us if we want to save the boys we have to hurry. All of our Sans' auras have completely faded at this point and we are all freaking out. Drawing leaves splatters of paint on the ground as she runs and I dodge the pellets. 

Fell Frisk struggles to keep up, while Panda tries to keep her going. Tears start forming in our eyes the closer we get to the boys' house only to see the lights all of and the windows broken.

"Red!" Fell Frisk charge through the door in a panic and gasps at the sight before her. The house was a mess with claw marks all over the floor and glitching furniture. "What the hell is going on?! This isn't funny, Red you shit-face!!!" She kicks open doors to check all the rooms while tears flow from her eyes.

"Oh no...." Drawing whispers, eyes wide. "He beat us to them..."

"WHO? Who the fuck took our Sans'?!?" Fell's rage was unavoidable as well as my own at this point. Unlike Fell though, I can channel my anger in a more decent manner.

"WHERE THE FUCK ARE THEY?! WHAT ARE YOU NOT TELLING US?!" I yell as I shove Drawing up against the wall. Panda tries to pry me away from Drawing, but I shove her off easily. "Who the hell beat us here, Drawing?!"

"E-Error..." She chokes out. "H-he's broken t-them." She starts to sob without stopping. "Ink is a moron... H-he wouldn't f-fight E-Error even if it meant he would d-die!" She hides her face with her hands and sobs without any sign of stopping.

I drop her to the floor. "Panda," I say. "C'mere. I need you to channel your aura with my soul to find the boys."

"B-But that could KILL you!!" She stammers.

"You think I give a damn?! Sans is like a brother to me and I'm not about ready to lose him like I lost everyone else." I grab Panda's arm and throw her to the ground. "Light it up."

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