Panic - Fell Fisk's POV

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What the hell is wrong with them?! Why are they stopping me?! I'm trying to SAVE them!!!

"Let me go you bastard! Can't you see she's a danger!? I'm trying to save you all! To protect you! It's for the BEST!" I scream at them with frustration.

"My god. She really does sound like him." Ink mutters to Error, nearing me.

"Who?! Who does she sound like?!" Red screams.

Otter, drawing, Ink, and Error all look at each other in dead seriousness. "Ryu." They state in unison. 

"There's been a reason we couldn't find him..." Drawing mumbles.

"He'S bEeN hErE aLl AlOnG..." Error confirms.

I scream in anger a there words. A boiling sensation tingles up to my hands and I scratch and pull at the red strings. "LET ME GOOO!!" I scream in a dark voice that was not my own. I was as Ink steps forward.

"Ryu... Come out now." He states with a glint in his eye.

I watch in horror as my mouth stretches open and black smoke pours out. I scream in pain as my arms and legs twist in different directions. Blood pours from my eyes and I rip my hair out in frustration.  

Suddenly the world goes dark and I feel myself slowly drift to sleep.

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