Reveal yourself - Ink's POV

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The smoke churns and pours out of Fell's mouth. It takes the familiar shape of Ryu. Fell falls to the ground with her body twisted and misshapen and Frisk runs to her side. Ryu looks down at us in their cloudy figure. 

"What gave it away?" He asks with a menacing tone. We all flinch at the sound of his voice. I try to blink back tears as Error glares at Ryu. 

"You bastard!" Otter screams and Ryu. His eye glows in anger and gaster blasters appear all around him. 

"Oh please," Ryu taunts. "I'm made out of smoke you can't kill me." 

"Let's test that theory then, shall we?" Otter says, raising his hand to prepare for attack.

"Stop it Otter!" I yell throwing myself in front of Ryu.

"My hero!" Ryu gushes sarcastically. "You are aware your little boyfriend is right here, correct?" I look at Ryu in  anger. I dated Ryu only a few days before the fight. Sometimes I wonder If me choosing Error over him caused the fight.

"ThAt'S eNoUgH!" Error yells, tightening his red strings around Ryu. 

(Sorry for the wait and the short chapter, everyone! I havereally bad writers block, but I'll be updating all day today so don't worry!


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