Jesse Hall

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The day was hot and I was sweating sitting on the asphalt that my boyfriend insisted we sat on. I'd joined him earlier today to hang around him, the only issue is that he was with his 'boys' at the outdoor basketball courts playing ball or hockey. When he was with them, that meant there was little time for me involved, however, I got to play the sport with them. I loved Jesse and we didn't argue often, there were times where we disagreed on things, of course, but that was how relationships worked.

I watched the others shoot hoops, not really playing a game as they took a break and did what they pleased. I had pulled my knees up as the asphalt grew too hot for my bare legs. Shorts were invented for a reason, but they weren't helping right now in this heat. Beads of sweat dropped from Jesse's short sideburns as he smiled, watching his boys, and I could tell he wanted to play, but I needed to talk to him.

He was refusing to go to Eden Hall with the rest of us and it was upsetting me because I was going. I didn't want to date someone and not see them. It didn't feel right, besides, Jesse hated preppy people; like Adam, but the exception was is that Adam was cool. I come from around the hood as well, so, Jesse and I clicked well because of that. He didn't want to go because Bombay wasn't coach, there were preppy kids, and he didn't want to board at some school he didn't even know.

"It's hot out." Jesse sighed, looking around. I nod, thinking, and he turned to look at me with a questionable face. "What's up?" He asked, nudging my knee with his elbow.

I shrug. "Don't you think you could give Eden Hall a try?"

"No." He told me. "I said that school was dumb, they don't even want us, it's just 'polite' to do 'cause we won them Games and these other bums didn't." He gestured.

"But I'd be there." I spoke, looking away.

"It's not about you, MK." The name is Mikayla, but he calls me MK 'cause it's short and has a slang vibe to it that he likes. "You know I don't like preppies 'cause they just hate us and we hate them. Besides, I got the high school."

"One that has preppies and kids like us. What's the difference?" I asked him. "I want to go to school with you. I'm dating you and I thought we were sticking together."

"There's a difference," He scooted over, setting his arms on the top of my knees and brought his chin to his arms, looking me in the eye. "This school is further away from where I live, Bombay isn't Coach this year, and there's preppies. You know I want to go to school with you, but we're growing up and I refuse to go to a school with people like Adam."

I bit my lip, growing upset. "It's what ever then. I'm going to Eden Hall and I guess this means we're seeing each other on weekends if we're not busy."

He grew quiet. As much as what she said was right, he stood by his own judgment about the school he was greatly skeptical about. He had a big mouth and would get himself into trouble the day he stepped foot onto the school grounds. He also was like some of the others Ducks and didn't do change, he wasn't into that stuff. 

I sniffled, shaking me head and brought my hands to the asphalt so I could get up and leave. As I went to leave, Jesse grabbed my hand and pulled me back. I stopped and turned, to stare at him as he stood up, becoming taller than me now. "I love you, MK, and I'm gonna put the effort to see you every other day that I can. I'm sorry, but I can't go to school of standards, my big mouth won't fit in."

I looked up to meet his gaze. "It may not, but I'll still love you for it." I smiled and he brought a hand to my side, pulling me towards him. I wrapped my arms under his, setting my hands on his upper back. He kissed my forehead. 

"Don't become one of 'em, MK."

"I won't, Jess, trust me."

𝓜𝓲𝓰𝓱𝓽𝔂 𝓓𝓾𝓬𝓴𝓼 𝓘𝓶𝓪𝓰𝓲𝓷𝓮𝓼Where stories live. Discover now