Chapter 1

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Song of the Day: I Would Do Anything For You by Foster the People

This is going to be a Foster the Poeple fanfcition, based on Mark Foser and the the character Odette.

Odette's POV:

"Damn it. Where is that list? It is nowhere to be seen." I said, while I looked through my mess of things inside my purse on the floor. I had taken everything out in the middle of the aisle. I needed that grocery list. I looked around to see if I could remember what I needed. All I could see was maccaroni and cheese, but nothing else.

"Damn it all!" I growled, running my hand through my hair, frustrated. I looked at my right, were a little chubby kid holding multiple packages of rice crispies was looking at me like I was crazy. I glared at him and he ran away, dropping several rice crispies along the way. I sighed, and looked around at my mess again. I needed that list. I was having a party later and  needed all those specific things in that list. Where could it have gone?

"Ugh, forget this. I'll just go back and see if I can find it." I said to myself, I tend to do that a lot, talk to myself. Oh well, I can't help it. I started to grab handfuls of my mess and shoved them inside my purse.

"Excuse me, do you need some help?" I heard a low voice. I turned and looked up to see who it was. I almost screamed, like any typical fangirl. Before me was none other than Mark flippin Foster from my favorite band Foster the People.

Oh, God. What was he doing here? Oh my God this is embarrasing, I'm on my knees, picking stuff up and talking to myself like a psycho. His perfectly blue and round eyes seemed concerned and his eyebrows made a frown. I realized I hadn't answered him in a while and was just looking at him, like in a trance. I stood up abruptly and dropped everything I had put back in my purse. I looked down frantically and he laughed. Earth, swallow me now. I kneeled down once more and picked everything up at full speed.

I realized he kneeled down as well and was helping me, we stood up and I smiled thankfully while he handed me my stuff.

"Thanks." I said shyly.

"No problem. Are you okay? You seemed concerned over something." He said, licking his lips. I almost died, he was so hot. I looked at his pink, plump lips and bit mine from the inside.

"Umm, yeah... Sorry. I was just frustrated. I can't find my grocery store list, and I really need it. I keep looking around and all I see is cheesy pasta and I can't remember what I do need." I said, gesturing around the aisle. I  looked at him, and he was just looking at me, it seemed like he was trying not to laugh. Probably because of the way I referred to mac and cheese.

"I'm sorry, I know it sounds like a stupid thing to be worried for, but I'm having a party later and I really need it, and now I'm just rambling about this to Mark Foster." I said, talking fast. He smiled.

"So you do know who I am, I knew it." He smirked.

"What do you mean, you knew it?" I asked, smirking as well.

"Well, you did stare at me for a while when I asked if you were okay." He said, and laughed a bit. I laughed nervously.

"Yeah, I really like the band, my favorite to be exact." I said, running my hand through my hair.

"Thank you. So, what's your name?" he said.

"I'm sorry, how rude of me. I'm Odette, Odette Howland." I said, smiling widely. I'm glad he didn't judge me for gawking at him like the huge fan I was.

"Nice to meet you Odette. Okay, let's go." He said, after shaking my hand, I had just touched Mark Foster, I cand die happily now. Wait, did he say, 'let's go'?

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