Dwayne Robertson

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On the summer day, Halley waited in the middle of the barn for Dwayne. He was going to show her how to ride a horse, but she needed to watch how to saddle up a horse first. She was more eager to ride the horse than she was of listening. Dwayne was speaking to her, but it went in through one ear and out the other. She really didn't care for the other things, she simply wanted to ride the horse.

Halley was part of Team USA hockey and that summer, she wanted to learn everything about the team. She lives in France and her parents had allowed her to go to America to learn more about it. She was now with Dwayne and he was teaching her new things during the week she was there. Next week she was off with Dean in Chicago.

She smiled to the horse that stood beside her, Dwayne saddling up her horse while she was petting the horse's neck. "You gotta make sure this here, the billet strap, is tight or else the saddle won't sit right." He spoke. "And these, come 'ere'," He told her, waving her over. "You gotta make sure are to your height."

"What are them?" She asked, continuing to pet the horse. He liked her french accent, he found it mixed differently with his southern accent and charm. 

"They're stirrups.  You put your foot in it."

"Bien, let's go!" She cheered. "I know it all." She continued to smile and cheer, grabbing then horn to pull herself up. Dwayne her struggle a little and by the time he'd gotten up on his own horse, she was half hanging off the side of her horse, needing some assistance but refused for help. 

"Want help now?" He asked her.

"No thanks, I got it." She answered. As Dwayne made sure everything was good with his horse, Halley decided to take things into her own hands. Without waiting for Dwayne, she managed to get the horse walking. The horse trudged out of the barn as she held the reins and wanted to go faster. Not knowing how, she tried calling out, kicking it's side, tapping the top of it's rear and made clicking sounds with her mouth. It surely did work once she managed to figure out how the horse worked.

When Dwayne noticed she wasn't around in the barn, he became a little worried that maybe the week Halley would die would be on his farm and he did not want that to happen. Bringing his horse out of the barn, he gazed around for the brunette, only managing to see her when he could hear sharp screams. 

"Wow." He sighed.

The horse was running across the field quickly and because Halley didn't listen to Dwayne's directions, she didn't know how to stop the horse. Which resulted to her screaming and holding the horn of the saddle tightly as she closed her eyes and hoped for the end result to go well. Dwayne called out, making a click sound with his mouth. "Let's go!" He hollered, his posture straight and hat on his head as his horse took off and he went to go find Halley.

"Aidez-moi!" Halley hollered. "Dwayne!" She continued.

The horse ran, not knowing it was supposed to stop because she hadn't bothered to listen for the 'whoahh' to get the horse to slow down. 

Rushing over, Dwayne came up behind the horse with his own and called out. "Say whoah!" He told her. "She'll slow down!"

"Wow!" She hollered, not able to pronounce the 'whoah' to slow the horse down. 

He stretched his arm out to grab the horse's reins so he could help guide the horse, but it was no use since Halley had dropped them and they hung low as she held the horn tightly as she bounced with every step the horse took. She was growing a little sick from all the cheese curds she'd eaten. 

"Grab my hand!" He yelled.

"I can't!" She screamed, in a panic. "I'm gonna fall."

"You won't, trust me." She told her.

With his arm outstretched to meet hers, she slowly grabbed his hand as his horse was right beside hers, no gap between their horses. He helped to pull her over to his horse as he would slow them down before getting his other horse back. He wished Halley would have listened, but he had to admit that this was a little more interesting than his normal riding days. Out of breath and grabbing onto Dwayne's waist in a hurry, she'd knocked them both off the side of the horse.

They'd fallen down from Dwayne's horse into the field. The horses had continued to a gallop before slowing their paces and finding somewhere nice to eat. They were in one of the Robertson's fields, so they were fine, but Dwayne's father wouldn't be too happy knowing the horses were off the trail and that there was a bald spot on his field.

With a groan from Dwayne and a gasp of relief from Halley, they were in the middle of the field. Halley's arms wrapped around his torso tightly from fear. Dwayne sprawled out with her above him as he took in a few breaths and realized what had happened. Lying on his back, Dwayne groaned as his side grew sore and Halley inhaled deeply. "Mon Dieu, j'étais presque morte!" She spoke, setting her hands on Dwayne's chest as she pushed herself up.

He sighed. "I take it you didn't listen to a word I said about the horses, did you?"

"Non." She answered, brushing the dirt off herself and looked around for the horses. For a brief moment, Halley had found the moment they held was beautiful, like it was meant to happen. She knew something like this rarely happened and she felt like a princess and he was a prince, even if it was her imagination. The moment was right and pure, it was real, nothing was make belief.

"We ought to get goin'." He spoke, sitting up with a groan and a hand on his side to keep firm pressure from where it hurt. He landed on the stiff ground first and covered Halley's fall, he wasn't going to be the happiest or in the best mood from the injury of his side. 

She looked at him. "Je pourrais te donner un bec, le moment est bien." She whispered to herself and he furrowed his brows, not sure what she said.  He understood the 'moment is right' part, but nothing else. 

She lowered and brought a hand to the side of his face, bringing her lips to his. He felt odd and out of place, but then realized what was going on. He didn't know what to do because he didn't feel the same, but he longed to kiss someone. His hand found it's way to the back of her head, where he kissed her back as well. 

"T'es charmant, Dwayne." She smiled, pulling away.

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