5 ~ Wanting What I Can't Have

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"So, where'd we leave off," Brody inquired as she took her seat against the couch. She swiftly reeled out her phone to check the time, noting that it was 11:29. When she pocketed the device again, she was reminded that her turn hadn't occurred yet. Fortunately, she made it back just in time.

"I believe it's your turn," Louis replied. "I know you're not the biggest fan of this, but spin wisely, for the power sits in your hands."

"Oh, right." Brody walked up to the bottle, tenaciously clasped it in her hand, and spun it vigorously. When Brody realized whom it landed on, a smile stretched across her face from ear to ear.

"The darer becomes the daree," Marlon stated as he laid back against the floor with his elbows propping him up. The bottle had chosen Violet, and if Violet wouldn't make the first move on Clementine on her own, then Brody would do it for her.

"Violet, how fitting," Brody remarked, deliberately eyeing the blonde and plastering a mischievous smirk.

Everyone else, including Clementine, had a look of bemusement scattered across their faces. Not Violet, though. She knew Brody, and she sure as hell knew her tactical plan. She loved Brody dearly; she was always such an amiable and affable friend to Violet. It's a shame tonight she was nothing but the devil.

Violet gulped and waited for Brody's decision. She kept her eyes heavily peeled to the floor, fearing what was to come. Maybe she was wrong. Maybe Brody wouldn't put Violet out there. Maybe she would do something far different from what Violet had in mind.

"Violet, I dare you to kiss Clementine."

Nope. She was dead wrong.

Clementine and Violet found each other's eyes immediately. Both were unsure whether or not to smile and commit to the dare, nervously laugh, or completely object it. Their heart rates were well over the normal rate; it was from a rush of pure ecstasy and intimidating doubt. They both wanted this kiss; they needed it, but both girls were too shy to make a move.

"Now that's entertainment! Nothin' like a little girl on girl action," Mitch yelled while he and Marlon fist bumped and laughed.

"Let's give it up for the ladies!" Louis happily shouted. He winked at Clementine and assuringly nodded. He knew Violentine would happen sooner or later from the moment Clem initially admitted her feelings.

"Oh, I don't know," Violet softly spoke. As a matter of fact she did know, but she wasn't the kind of girl to openly address those feelings - especially when her friends were observing. She placed her hand on her left arm - the position she's known for when she's roped into expressing her feelings.

Brody nudged her arm and fondly smiled. "I didn't realize Victory Violet was chicken," she lightly teased. Violet playfully rolled her eyes and stood up.

"I will, if you want to," she said ever so quietly. If the brunette objected, Violet would murder Brody for embarrassing her in front of the girl she longed for. If Clementine agreed, she still wouldn't give Brody the satisfaction of helping her move things forward.

Clementine sighed in content. It was already set. Tonight she would kiss the girl she loved. What bothered her is that it was merely for a dare; it's like it didn't count as their first kiss. Hopefully down the line, she'd get another chance. She displayed an assuring smile as she stood up and slowly approached Violet. "Yeah. I want to," she said softly.

Despite the pairs of eyes watching, Violet and Clementine entered a world of their own. Several thoughts raced through their minds, but not a single one mattered. The only thing that mattered now, in the moment, was them.

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