23 ~ Love Addiction

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"I love you, too."

The words fluttered around in Clementine's mind as she laid wide awake in bed, almost completely unable to contain her excitement. Violet already made her feel so loved, so insanely loved to the point where the word had no meaning anymore. It was like she used up the entire meaning.

But hearing those three, technically four words come from her lover's angelic voice sent her to a level of happiness she never knew she could reach, let alone even think about.

She repeatedly inhaled and exhaled contently, a grin stretching across her face that was impossible to wipe away. She loved Violet. Violet loved her back. It seemed too good to be true.

After several more minutes of gazing at the ceiling and dreaming of nothing but her girlfriend, Clementine decided she couldn't quite contain her unbridled ecstasy all to herself. She rolled over to the other side of her bed and clasped her phone, quickly calling Louis' number.

Honestly, it being a quarter to three in the morning, she didn't expect to hear his voice through the other line, but to her delight she did.

"Lou!" she squealed through the phone, probably loud enough to wake the whole house.

"I know I'm fun to talk to and all, Clem, but we gotta set some boundaries first," he joked with a playful chuckle. "How can your local Lou be of service?"

The brunette bit down on her lip, trying to stifle another mile-long smile. She rolled onto her back, slowly sinking into her mattress and into a blissful abyss. "I told Violet I loved her," she claimed.

"Damn, Clem! For the sake of my imminent slumber, please don't tell me I need to drag my ass over to her place and physically tackle her to the ground until she admits to you she loves you back, because if it isn't clear already, she's head over heels for you."

"Heh, she said it back. God, what I wouldn't give to relive that moment over and over again. I just want to put those words on a continuous loop, you know?"

"Aww. It's adorable to see you two lovebirds gush over each other," Lou teased. Clementine rolled her eyes and raised an eyebrow.

"Violet gushes over me? As much as I want it to be true, I just can't imagine that."

"Maybe gush isn't the right word, but she definitely talks about you more than anyone else, which knowing her is a pretty damn good thing."

Clementine let out a soft laugh. Hearing that caused her to blush, thankful Lou wasn't physically with her to see it and say some silly comment.

She gently closed her eyes and exhaled deeply as numerous amounts of thoughts raced through her mind. "She-" the brunette began, smiling too widely to produce lucid words. "She really is perfect."

"I have to say, I've known Violet my entire life, and I haven't seen her happier with anyone else. Hell, I haven't seen her happier herself."

"I'm glad, because I can't imagine loving anybody else. It's so crazy. When I first met Violet, I never pictured falling for her, especially this hard. And now, here I am thinking about her 24/7."

Instead of letting Lou get a word in, Clementine continued to ramble on about her trophy of a girlfriend. But before speaking again, her expression fell for a moment as she turned to her right to see that half of her bed empty. Violet's body used to fill the space, and Clementine could simply wrap her arms around the girl and hold her close and never let go. Now the atmosphere of the room had changed, and not to the brunette's liking.

"I love her so much. I can't even put it into words. I don't know what I did to deserve her, but I'm incredibly lucky to have found her," she uttered, biting her tongue to suppress anymore rambling.

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