19 ~ Stay for a While

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"I.. I really don't know," Brody uttered, almost losing herself in her words as the potential reality set in. She sat back down again and stared blankly at the granite countertop. "I've been scared shitless to take a test. My period's been five days late now, and I'm almost never late."

The more Brody found herself sitting at the countertop with her two best friends comforting her, realizing how much hot water she could be in, she finally began to lose her composure. "I- I.. oh my god. I can't be pregnant! I'm not even through college yet! How am I supposed to take care of a baby when I barely manage to take care of myself!" she shouted out of fear.

"Relax," Violet stated, rubbing Brody's back, "Clem and I will make a run to the pharmacy and pick up a pregnancy test, okay? I'm sure everything will be fine."

Clementine furrowed an eyebrow at the auburn-haired girl. Though she wanted to keep her slight judgement quiet, the wonder of how someone could get herself wrapped up in a situation like this got the best of her. "When I said make the first move, I didn't exactly mean have sex and make a baby, Brody," she informed.

"You don't think I know that? We just-" Brody cut herself off as she started to hyperventilate. How could this be happening to her?

Violet casted Clementine a look to go start up her car outside while the blonde finished comforting Brody. "Hey, it's going to be okay. We'll run to the store and pick up the test."

"Yeah, in the mean time, just relax and watch some t.v. Keep your mind occupied on other things," Clementine added from across the room, then twisting the doorknob and opening it to the driveway.

Brody closed her eyes and exhaled. "Okay, okay. Just breathe, Brody. Just breathe." Violet helped Brody to the couch and handed her the remote to the television, making sure she was stable enough to be alone for a little while.

Brody seemed to be calmer and more composed for now, so Violet left the house with Clementine and walked up to the car sitting idle in the driveway.

"Damn," Violet spoke, opening the car door and stepping inside. She buckled in her seatbelt and rested her head against the back of her seat. "Do you think she could actually be pregnant?" the blonde questioned.

Clementine finished noting the details of Brody's dwelling before answering. "Honestly," she stated, flitting her eyes onto Violet, "I have no clue. If she is though, I can't imagine the weight that's going to put on her."

"And here I thought I was the only one who made fucked up decisions."

"Turns out you're just like the rest of us," Clementine joked. She put the vehicle's gear in reverse, backed out of the driveway, and drove to the only local pharmacy still open at night.


The wheels turned onto the tarmac of the road as they pulled into the parking lot. It was primarily empty, given the late time of night. As soon as the car was parked, Clementine and Violet stepped outside and walked inside the store in search of a pregnancy test.

"God," Clementine muttered as her and Violet strolled through several aisles, precisely looking for the item, "I can't believe there's a chance two of us are actually going to become parents." They wandered down another aisle and finally found their treasure.

"That poor kid," Violet replied. "He'd run around with a dead cat on his head and constantly panic over every little thing."

Clementine softy chuckled and grabbed the test. "Heh, true." The two girls made their way over to checkout, eager for the drive home to unveil the big question. "Have you ever thought about wanting children?" inquired the brunette as they continued the walk through the maze of aisles.

This Connection We Share ~ ViolentineOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz