15 ~ Our Place

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"Thanks again for the ride," Violet uttered to Louis as she hopped out of his car, about to make her way toward her trailer home.

Louis boyishly smiled at the blonde. "No problem. Tell me how the thing goes with Clem."

"We'll see," Violet responded, playfully rolling her eyes and beginning to walk away.

Louis stuck his head out the window and shouted after Violet as she reached the trailer door. "I'm the genius who came up with the whole idea! I will find out eventually!"

Without turning around, Violet chuckled under her breath and flipped the dreadlocked man off. He smiled and drove off, leaving Violet alone with her father from hell. She sighed, reluctant to enter the trailer.

She opened the door gradually and placed one foot inside, and instantly the reek of alcohol stung her nose. Her eyes immediately fixated on the man with a beer pressed to his lips on the couch, rotting away with the tv on.

Violet braced herself for any kind of commotion as she walked past him and toward her room. By the time she reached her door, her father was too occupied to say anything. Well, almost too occupied.

"How's your slutty whore of a girlfriend doing? You two done with the bullshit yet?" he uttered in a low, harsh voice. He couldn't bother to even turn his head around when he spoke to his daughter.

Violet instantly clenched her fists and dipped her head down. Normally she would disregard his comments and lock herself in her room, but this time she couldn't contain herself. Walking back toward him, she exclaimed, "You don't ever fucking call her that again. Clementine is an amazing girl who is sweet, caring, and treats me like I'm more important than the god damn world."

"Keep telling yourself that," her father spoke, taking another swig of his beer. "You and her are both full of shit."

"No, you are. She makes me happy. She makes me happier than I've ever been. I don't care if you don't accept it. You can't and won't stop me from being with her."

"It's your life you're ruining, not mine."

Violet pierced a glare at the back of her father's head, loathing him and his apathy. She stormed off to her room, sitting down on her bed and letting her tension die down.

After a few moments of huffing and puffing, she focused her mind on other matters.
Very important matters. Violet reeled out her phone and called Brody, a smile already tugging at the ends of her lips from just thinking about it.

"Hey, Vi," a voice transmitted through the phone.

"Hey. So, um, can I ask your opinion on something?" Violet queried, sitting up in her bed and looking out her miniature window as the day grew longer.

"Of course. What's up?"

Violet exhaled with content before answering. "So Clementine has been great, lately. She's been really understanding of my problems at home and such. And.."

"And?" Brody repeated with flourishing interest.

"I want to show her how much I appreciate her-"

"Oh my god! You two are finally going to have sex?"

"Well hopefully after a nice dinner.. yeah. I mean we've been together for a few weeks now, and I think I'm ready to go down that road again."

"Vi! This is amazing! I can picture it already."

"Uh, okay. Maybe leave the picturing of Clem and I having sex just to me," the blonde chuckled.

"Not that, you dumbass. I can just imagine the look on her face when you ask her out to dinner and she says yes and oh my god my girl's so in love."

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