13 ~ I Don't Understand a Lot, but I Understand You

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"I'm back," Clementine shouted as she closed the front door of her residence and sauntered over to the kitchen counter. She placed her bags on the granite countertop and grabbed a bottle of water out of the fridge.

"Clem! You're home!" AJ beamed as he jumped into her arms, almost causing her to spill her beverage.

"Heh, I'm home, kiddo," she assured. She played with the little boy's afro as a new figure came into view. There, leaning his weight against a wall and smiling proudly, was Lee.

"Hey, sweetpea," he greeted. "I'm glad you're back home. This little guy hasn't exactly been all that happy with you gone." Lee stepped forward and opened his arms for a hug, which the brunette happily accepted.

"Well it's good to be home again. I missed you both like crazy." She fixated her golden brown eyes back down to her little brother, a smile tugging at the ends of her lips. Lowering herself to his level, she whispered into his ear: "Don't tell dad, but I missed you the most."

AJ's eyes glowed with joy, chuckling to himself. "Oh I know." He traveled over to his area designated to all his toys, picking up a police officer and firefighter. "We should play! Here, I'll be the police man, and you can be the firefighter," he gleefully spoke, trying to hand off one of the toys to Clem.

"Sorry, kiddo, but I'm really tired. I think I'm just going to crawl into bed and fall asleep." A frown plastered AJ's face, but he yawned too, secretly yearning for shut-eye.

Lee checked his watch, noting how late the night actually was. "Yeah, it's time for bed for all of us. Don't worry, I'm sure Clem here will have plenty of time to play tomorrow," Lee informed, smiling fondly at the brunette.

"Oh okay," AJ muttered. "Don't forget to come in and say goodnight," the boy stated as he scurried up the stairs and darted into his bedroom.

Clementine sipped her water once more and sat down at the kitchen table. Her phone buzzed, and as the name 'Violet' popped up, her heart beat with content. Lee took a seat as well and joined her at the table.

"So, how was the trip?" he inquired with interest, taking Clem's attention away from her phone.

"It was great. I had so much fun with them."

"I'm glad. I suppose you don't want your old man picking your brain at 11:30, so how about you go reacquaint with your bed."

"A bed definitely beats the ground," Clem joked. She said her goodnight to Lee, ascended up the stairs to say goodnight to AJ, and finally entered her room and fell flat onto her back on her bed. She reeled her phone out of her back pocket to reply to Violet's earlier text.

Violet: I know it was only a few hours ago I saw you, but I really wish you were here with me.

Clementine smiled broadly at her girlfriend's text, attempting to respond with one hand while getting herself tucked away under the warmth of her blankets.

Clementine: I wish you were here, too. I had so much fun with you and the others. Definitely a trip I'll never forget.

As the brunette awaited Violet's response, she gently closed her eyes and recalled all the exuberant memories that brought her pure ecstasy. While reminiscing the past, Violet's message brought her back to the real world.

Violet: I'm glad. As much as I want to keep talking with you, it's late, and I think you should get some sleep. Talk tomorrow?

Clementine: Of course. Goodnight, Vi.

Violet: Night, Clem.

She clicked her phone off and set it on her bedside table. Her girlfriend was right - she needed a goodnight's sleep on a comfortable surface. Though she slept well in her girlfriend's arms, the hard, uneven ground doesn't quite equate to a cozy bed. Drowse weighed down her eyelids, and before she could think about anything else, Clementine was out like a light.

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