18 ~ Home Sweet Home...

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The lights. The stars. The trees.
The quiet. The peace. The chirps from insects.
This definitely beat home by a mile.

Imperturbably sitting with her back against a tree, immersed in the cryptic night sky that hung above, dotted with minuscule stars dancing about, was Violet. She sat eyeing each individual star, studying its purpose and story, and slowly slipped away from her reality.

She subconsciously picked at the emerald grass while she tranquilly inhaled and exhaled the crisp air. So much was going on in her life. Her father was the same hostile, violent, unaccepting drunk, she still lived in her shitty trailer that was an embarrassment, and Minerva relentlessly pried on her and Clementine's relationship.

When things got tight, Violet always found herself up on this hill without saying a word to anybody. She enjoyed being alone and in her thoughts, but guilt kindled within her as she left her girlfriend and everyone else in the dark about her whereabouts.

Violet needed the quiet.. just to get away for a while.

~Earlier That Day~

Clementine stepped outside the building to breathe in the world's fresh air. Locations where Violet could be ran through the brunette's mind at full tilt as she leaned her back against the school's brick wall. The one place that pained her the most to think about was her trailer. What if her dad had done something to her? He was fully capable to do so. He was taller, stronger, and an angry drunk.

She shook her head to rid of the horrid thought, yet she found herself running to her car and beginning to drive to Violet's trailer.

The tires pulled onto the muddy ground as the unkempt trailer lied ahead. No cars were parked outside, which Clementine denoted as Violet's mother being at work like usual. She parked her car distantly from the trailer, waiting a few minutes before finally stepping outside the vehicle.

Overcast set out above in the sky, concealing the sun and its vivid rays of light. Once Clementine readied herself to face Violet's father, she begrudgingly dragged her feet across the ground and trailed to the doorstep.

She breathed in shakily and lightly knocked against the door. Silence was received. Clementine had to know for sure what was going on inside, so she knocked harder this time, causing her knuckles to sting for a mere moment.

An exasperating, loud groan filled the room on the opposite side of the door, followed by heavy footsteps. Clementine audibly swallowed as the door swung wide open. Her golden brown eyes made contact with the musty, bulky figure, who had a beer clasped to his free hand.

"Who the hell are you?" he spoke in an annoyed tone, glaring at the brunette.

"I'm, uh, Clementine. Is Violet here? I really need to talk to her," she muttered, feeling nerves beginning to set on her skin. She stood tall and crossed her arms, asserting as much dominance as possible.

The man sized Clementine up and down before speaking. "No," he spat, "she's not. Now get the hell away from my property."

Relief washed over the brunette that Violet hadn't been harmed. Without hesitation, she listened to the man and began to trail back to her car, only to be stopped by the unwelcoming voice.

"Wait a second," he murmured. "Clementine... you're the dyke that's been seeing my daughter?"

"If Violet's not here, then I'm leaving," Clem stated, disregarding Paul's realization. She picked up the pace to her car, but Paul hopped down from the trailer and followed her.

"Listen to me, you stay a thousand miles away from Violet, you hear? She's not dating somebody like you."

"That's not really your choice now is it." Clementine stood her ground and glared back, deflecting his attempts to threaten her. "Her and I are happy together, so we're going to stay together. How about you learn to accept her for who she is and love her like everybody else."

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