20 ~ Two Enemies and Their Lover

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Her eyes slowly opened, attempting to adjust to the sunlight peering through her bedroom window. She looked down, and with the sight she saw, it had been like no time had passed by. Violet was still clutched tight onto Clementine's body from last night in her bed. The blonde's good eye appeared a little puffy and stained a faint red from last night's situation, but that didn't stop Clementine from breaking into a smile.

"Good morning, you," the brunette softly remarked as she planted a soft kiss on Violet's disheveled hair. A small groan emitted from the girl's mouth, resenting having to get up, but with Clementine pressed up against her body it was the only reason she needed.

"Morning," Violet replied, returning the kiss but this time on her girlfriend's lips. They both sat up straight against Clem's headboard, still secured underneath the heavy blankets.

"How's your eye? Is it still throbbing?"

"It's better than it was last night. The ice definitely helped," Violet responded, lightly patting down below her eyelid. Clementine leaned closer and put her girlfriend's eye under scrutiny. She still couldn't grasp the fact that Vi had gone through so much mental abuse, and now physical abuse.

The brunette slowly turned Violet's head toward her, locking her eyes with those light green eyes that made her forget everything around her. She stated, "if it's any consolation, you still look beautiful."

Violet blushed and lightly chuckled. "Not as beautiful as you." Her hands crept over to Clementine's over the blankets, holding them firmly as a familiar warmth kindled inside.

"Sorry that I was weird last night," Violet mumbled, changing the topic and recalling the vivid details that last night sparked. "I didn't even expect myself to breakdown like I did."

"It's okay, Vi. You don't need to apologize for that. You've been put through hell; it's understandable."

Violet audibly sighed and darted her eyes to the floor. "Look can we just not talk about it anymore."

"If you don't want to then sure, but it's okay to cry, Violet. It doesn't make you weak or frail, or any less stronger than you are now. Sometimes your emotions just get the best of you, and it's not a bad thing when they do."

"I know, I just-. I just want to forget it."


Clementine gave Violet's hands one final squeeze before crawling out of bed and sauntering over to her closet. After picking out an outfit for herself, she ran her fingers through another fit for Violet. "Here, I think this would look nice on you," the brunette suggested as she laid out ripped jeans and a flannel on the bed for her girlfriend. "I'm going to fix up some breakfast downstairs. Come down when you're ready and I'll fix you a plate, too."

With a small smile painted across her face, Violet stood up and moved closer to Clem before she left, wrapping her arms around her waist. "Thank you," she stated, pressing her forehead lightly against Clem's. "I don't know what I'd do without you."

"Let's not ever have to find out," Clementine responded, batting her eyes to tease the blonde before she exited, leaving the door ajar.

Violet sat back down on the end of the duvet before getting dressed. Dozens of thoughts raced through her mind, unsure of what her next move would be. Can't go back home as of now; everything's a mess there. Would she just have to stay with Clem until her father would hopefully be out of the picture? She can't exactly move in with Clem and her brother plus father, at least not without harboring embarrassment and guilt.

After twiddling with her fingers and trying to get a sense of her newish life, she finally stood up and put on the clothes Clementine had laid out for her. Given her and Clem were similar in height and size, they fit pretty comfortably.

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