22 ~ An Invitation to Your Heart

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Three Days Later.

"Please don't go, Vi," Clementine desperately pleaded as she reached her hand out to pull Violet in close to her, leaving a mere gap between them. The two found themselves back in Clementine's room, although Violet wasn't planning on staying much longer. "I really want you to stay here with me, where I know you'll always be safe."

A rosy hue struck Violet's porcelain skin, blushing uncontrollably. Chuckling softly, she stated, "As great as that sounds, I can't hide from my father forever. Besides, I can't just ditch my mother and leave her alone with him. I have to look after her, like she did for me. Heh, well, when she was actually home."

Clementine groaned, an uneasy feeling settling in her stomach. She let go of her grip on Violet's hands and dragged her feet over to her bed, sitting down on the edge. A sigh escaped her mouth as dozens of ghastly thoughts clouded her mind.

Violet was safe here. She was safe from harm's way, that being her dickhead, satan-like father.

Violet's heart swelled as she took in the sad sight of her girlfriend, who had dismay written all over her face. She walked over and joined her girlfriend on the bed, placing one hand atop the brunette's. "Hey, I'm going to be fine back at the trailer," the blonde informed.

The warm sensation of Violet's soft hand made her body quiver, knowing she would yearn for that feeling if Violet did leave. Taking her girlfriend's words with a grain of salt, Clementine muttered, "your eye says otherwise."

"Forget the eye. It was basically my fault anyways. I provoked him and fought back."

"See, there you go again, blaming yourself for something that's not your fault!" Clementine stated, turning to her girlfriend and searching her olive green eyes. "Violet, your father is a dangerous man. Why go back to him? Why go back to a place you despise and resent?"

Violet pondered the brunette's statement for a moment, trying to wrap her head around it. Besides going back predominantly for her mother, why would she go back to a place that only haunts her? Zero memories there are filled with glory and joy - only hatred and emptiness.

"Clementine, I just have to. I've already over-welcomed my stay here," she replied, giving the girl's hand a tight squeeze.

"You have not! Lee and AJ both adore you, and you obviously know I want nothing more than for you to stay." She darted her amber eyes back down to the ground, blankly staring at the beige carpet. "I'm scared he'll hurt you again if you go back. Please, just stay.. for me." Her voice hitched as she spoke.

"I want to, Clem. I really do. I just can't. Please try to understand that I need to go back there and tend to my mother. Heh, and also show that dickbag that he doesn't have shit on me."

Huffing with defeat, Clementine pushed away her strong feelings about Violet's current situation for the sake of keeping good ground with her. She turned her head to meet those emerald green eyes she always longed for. "You're right. He should be terrified of you," she teased, lightly pressing her forehead against Vi's.

The blonde smiled sweetly and planted a quick but passionate kiss on Clementine's soft lips, the taste continuing to linger as she pulled away.

"Your eye is looking a lot better," Clem remarked as she noticed the blue and black bruising almost completely faded.

"Good. I mean, the context behind it is all bullshit, but it looks pretty damn cool."

Lightly laughing and smirking, the brunette replied, "I prefer the words hot and badass." Violet playfully rolled her eyes and stood up, motioning toward the door to hide her obvious blush. Her hands clasped her old, now dry clothes that had been sitting on top of Clem's dresser and waltzed toward the bathroom to change.

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