10 ~ The Past is not the Future

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"I know Mitch hasn't always been the brightest bulb, but seriously, is he trying to fuck up his life? For god's sake he's 22 and already has a record," Brody condemned. Her and the gang were strolling through the dimly lit halls belonging to the county jail, moments away from claiming their friend jammed up in a cell.

"Any idea what he's in for?" Violet asked, walking directly next to Brody and Clem.

"Nope. Just said the whole thing was complete bullshit and that we needed to come claim him," Marlon replied.

"I suppose we talk to her?" Clementine questioned, referencing the lady tucked away behind a desk, typing vigorously away at her keyboard. Dark circles corroded her eyes, and it appeared she had no desire talking to reckless young adults trying to obtain their brainless friend. Perfect night for Mitch to get locked up.

"Yeah.. she looks, friendly," Louis muttered. He propped up his coat and switched on his charm mechanic. "I'll go talk to her. Wait here, and don't cause any trouble. God knows we need another one of us in here."

The musical man waltzed his way down the corridor while Marlon and the girls patiently waited for his signal. "Well, honestly can't say I'm surprised Mitch got himself wrapped up in a situation like this," Clementine spoke, striking a conversation.

"Me neither," Brody responded, eyeing Marlon intently. "It was only a matter of time before one of you boys got too reckless, and now it's finally biting you in the ass."

"Oh like you girls are absolutely perfect," Marlon playfully spoke, staring Brody directly in her azure eyes a little longer than standard. Clementine and Violet caught on with the playful banter and glanced at each other, quietly chuckling to themselves.

"Perfect's a bit far-fetched, but it's not completely false," the auburn-haired girl replied, returning the gaze radiating with Marlon. She subconsciously bit her bottom lip and smiled.

"So I've noticed," he replied, crossing his arms and leaning against a wall, not daring to avert his eyes off of Brody.

"God, get a room," Violet teased, anticipating the rosy hue about to strike Brody's cheeks, and sure enough they were a vibrant red.

"Vi!" she exclaimed. Before Brody could say anymore, Louis waved them down to help retrieve Mitch. A few more corner turns, and sat there in a cell was a dark brunette fidgeting with his fingers, eager to leave the place.

His eyes made out the figures sauntering their way over to him, standing briefly and exasperated. "Took you guys long enough," he exclaimed, clasping the bars tenaciously as the guard unlocked his cell.

"I'm hearing indignation when I should be hearing thank you. Dude, what the hell happened with you?" Louis inquired, holding one arm on his hip and waving the other around freely.

"Yeah, the fuck did you get yourself into?" Marlon joined in.

Mitch brushed off his jacket before speaking, clenching his teeth as he recalled the vivid event. "I was at the bar with this chick when out of the blue this drunken asshole starts talking shit to me. He pissed off the girl I planned to bring home, and no matter how many times I told him to shut the fuck up, he wouldn't. So.."

"So.." Clementine elongated.

"So I socked him right in the mouth. He threw some punches back, I pinned him to the floor. I would have won, too, if I didn't get grabbed and tossed into a police car," he finished, slowly shaking his head.

"Oh I'm sure this will look great on your profile when you're applying for jobs," Brody teased.

"Cut him some slack, guy sounds like he deserved it," Louis defended.

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