29 ~ Jealousy or Defeat?

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Clementine woke up in a sweat, breathing quickly and unsteadily as she sat straight up in her bed. The blood, the screams, the pleads for mercy. She brought her hands to her face and closed her eyes, the gruesome images from her nightmare replaying over and over again in her mind.

While the events had occurred a few days ago, Clem thought she was past the crying and depression, but the nightmares were there to remind her. Right on cue, tears blurred her vision and rolled down her cheeks.

The brunette sniffled repeatedly and held her head in her hands until it was clear to her that there was only one person who could actually make her feel better without even trying: Violet.

Clem wiped away some tears and fumbled to reach for her phone sitting on her nightstand. Opening it, she didn't have to scroll to reach Vi's contact; it was already at the top.

Clementine: Are you awake by any chance? I'm sorry I know it's late, but I really want and need to talk to you right now

She clicked her phone off until she heard it ping with a notification. Letting out a heavy exhale and laying her back against the pillow, the girl was relieved when her girlfriend responded practically right away.

Violet: I'm right here Clem. Are you okay? What's wrong? Did Minerva pull another pathetic stunt?

The blonde's words induced a small chuckle from Clem, which she desperately needed. She replied instantly.

Clementine: Not yet thankfully. I had a nightmare. The same nightmare about my parents dying. Fourth night in a row. Honestly talking to you is the only thing that helps

Violet: Then I'm not going anywhere. Do you want to talk about it? Sometimes that can help. Or we can talk about Louis being a dumbass and crashing his car into his mailbox or Brody obsessing over graduation

Clem reread her girlfriend's text, ensuring she had a full grasp of it.

Clementine: Wait Lou crashed his car into his mailbox?

Violet: Are you surprised? It's Louis. Apparently he backed up into it somehow. I think he got high on something and got all fucked up :)

The brunette laughed and smiled, already feeling her tension and dismay dissipating as she spoke to her girlfriend. If only she were there in person to hold her, comfort her, kiss her. Violet was the key to making all Clem's problems and worries fade away.

Clementine: Unfortunately that sounds like Lou just being a dumbass. But hey, do you maybe want to go on a date before graduation? Just so you and I can celebrate alone?

Clem waited for the three minuscule bubbles to pop up like they did immediately after she sent a text to her girlfriend, but this time they were absent. Time passed on until the brunette sighed and put her phone away, figuring Vi hated the idea or she fell asleep. Either way, Vi did help Clem forget about her barbaric nightmare and made her feel one hundred times better than she originally had.

Despite feeling better, Clementine was reluctant to fall asleep. She laid with her head resting atop her pillow and stared at the ceiling with one arm bent over her head, scared to succumb to slumber and relive the past.

She felt bad for possibly waking Violet up, and as much as she wanted her girlfriend to get some sleep, Vi was her source of pure happiness, and now she was away. Now Clem had to fight this battle on her own again, and she never seemed to win.


Violet: Are you surprised? It's Louis. Apparently he backed up into it somehow. I think he got high on something and got all fucked up :)

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