21 ~ Nothing but the Truth

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"It's gorgeous outside," Brody remarked as she crossed her legs in her chair, taking in the warm rays of light that radiated against her body and the gentle breeze that rolled by every now and then. She sipped her coffee slowly, waiting for the right moment to jump back into the conversation being held between Louis and Clementine.

"Absolutely," the younger girl responded, captivated by the cloudless sea above. "There's barely any clouds out. That's nice for a change."

"Definitely beats all the thunderstorms we've had lately," Louis chimed in, watching aimlessly as several cars drove down the black tarmac of the road.

Clementine leaned back against her chair as she let her thoughts formulate inside her head. "You know," she spoke, causing Brody and Louis to avert their attention onto her, "I actually love a good thunderstorm. Sitting on my bed with my blankets wrapped around me, listening to the rain patter against the window as thunder frequently booms. It's peaceful to me."

Brody nodded in agreement, a small smile plastering her face. "That does sound good. Although I'll still take a hot summer day over anything."

"I second that," the dreadlocked man responded.

As Brody and Louis dove deep into another conversation that didn't exactly involve her, Clementine scrolled through her phone and looked through all of the photos that had been posted of her and her friends. There was one of the whole gang at Louis' pool, getting drunk and having a huge splash war. Another one consisted of Mitch and Marlon arm wrestling with Louis chanting in the back. The last post she saw before she clicked out of her phone was of her and Violet. Violet had her eyes closed as she planted a kiss on Clem's cheek while Clementine smiled into the camera. She smiled to herself just thinking about that night, wondering how Violet let her post the picture in the first place.

"Clem," Brody stated, bringing the girl out of her trance, "did you know that Louis has a girl?"

Quickly finishing his coffee to object, Louis claimed, "I do not have a girl. We've been talking. I haven't even taken her out for the night of her life yet."

"Are we talking about Marianna, or has your charm managed to pull yet another woman?" Clem teased, leaning forward and resting her left hand atop her right on the table. Knowing the man, he's probably achieved both.

"Although Marianna is the girl of the matter, I don't doubt I've reeled in some other girl's attention. Neither should you," Lou uttered with a smirk as Clem and Brody laughed.

"I know, Brody, you've managed to draw someone in," Clementine added, turning the tables and taking a sip of her coffee. The sweet smell of the hot, delectable beverage made her nostrils flare. "Have you guys slapped on a label on your, whatever it is you have going?"

Suddenly flushing with red, Brody's cheeks radiated a rosy hue. "We, uh, we haven't really discussed whatever we are yet." She checked her watch, stalling the conversation.

Louis chuckled and turned his head to the brunette, sending her a playful wink. "Sounds to me like you guys like to get it on," he joked at ease. "Sex buddies, if you will."

"Sex buddies almost became parent buddies," Clementine threw in, both her and Lou bursting into laughter. Brody rolled her eyes, although a minuscule smirk escaped her lips. The girl abruptly stood up, threw her coffee cup away, and sat back down with something stirring in her mind.

"We are not sex buddies. Marlon and I..," the conflicted girl trailed off, fumbling over her words. "I would like to be something with him. I'm just not sure if he shares that same interest, too."

As the trio wrapped up their coffee session, Louis stood up and pushed his chair in. He informed, "oh he definitely does. Told me himself."

The two girls followed their friend's actions and walked with him to his car. "Marlon told you that?" Brody repeated as she slid her fingers underneath the door handle and opened the passenger door, "and you didn't think it'd be a good idea to tell me?"

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