6 ~ Last Night Was a Blur, but I Still Remember You

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Clementine awakened in her bed from her deep slumber as the memory of liquor revisited and haunted her mind. She groggily rubbed her eyes before slowly sitting up, immediately checking her phone. When she powered it on, a few text messages popped up - all from Louis.

Be-Lou-ga: Hey Clem. How are you holding up? You know, with what happened last night between Minnie and Vi. Are you alright?

Clementine desolately sighed and lowered down her phone, recalling the vivid night. The blonde and redhead being so close, so intimate, so tender, sent the brunette into a despondent yet enraged trance. She tapped the back of her phone repeatedly, thinking of a response that would satisfy her mood.

Clemster: I'm doing okay. I know she didn't want to, but just the thought of them being together makes me sick. Your party was fun nonetheless!

She hit send and awaited his response. One thought still clouded Clementine's mind though: "Lately, I've had my eyes on someone else". The words played over and over on loop in Clementine's mind. Was Violet going to confess her feelings for Clementine? Or was she referring to someone else and trying to let her down easy? She bit the inside of cheek, almost hard enough to draw blood. Suddenly, the cellular device buzzed in her hands.

Be-Lou-ga: Well don't worry, Violet made it utterly clear that her and Minnie are over. And I'm glad you enjoyed the party! Next time we'll need more shots ;)  - preferably tequila

Clemster: Definitely. On another note, how was that double date you went on with Mitch?

Be-Lou-ga: It was.. alright. Though I don't think it qualifies as a double date.

Clemster: That bad, huh?

Be-Lou-ga: Sadly, yes. Mitch and his half made out half the time while my girl and I had awkward conversations and laughs.

Clemster: So sounds like your typical date.

Be-Lou-ga: You could say that again.

Clementine lightly chuckled to herself and placed her phone back down on the wooden bedside table. She yawned, stretched, and waltzed over to her closet filled with her elegant apparel. Today would be a casual day, so she threw on black leggings and a hoodie.

She carefully tidied up the duvet, brushed her teeth, and descended down the stairs to fetch some breakfast.


"You're up early," her adoptive father, Lee, sarcastically stated as he whipped up some eggs for Clementine. Clem glanced at the clock, noting that it was well past morning. She laughed and took her seat at the kitchen countertop.

"Heh, yep. I got home pretty late last night from the party." She briefly smiled as she recalled the events: kissing Violet, an entertaining movie, and pizza of course.

"Believe me, I know. I get it, it's college. I know exactly what goes on at those parties. I just ask that either you come home earlier, or at least make an attempt to sneak in. You woke AJ up, and you know how rattled he gets when his beauty sleep is cut short."

"Heh, yeah. Sorry," she spoke as she reached for her plate of eggs and dug in with a voracious appetite. Immediately her hunger regressed. "So, where is the little guy," she queried with another bite of food.

"Well," Lee began to reply as he turned off the stove and walked over to his chair to read the newspaper, "I believe he's upstairs playing with his toys. I swear to you, it's like that kid's energy is on full no matter the time of day," he teased.

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