9 ~ Locked in Your Eyes

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The crisp night air still lingered over the two girls laying fast asleep on the grass, Clementine still tightly cuddled into Violet's arms with her head dipping down in the crook of the blonde's neck. The moon still radiated its rays of light amid the peaceful night, watching over the two girlfriends resting against each other. As the night continued, a cool gust of wind came rolling by, causing Violet to shiver and suddenly awaken. Her vision somewhat groggy, she still made an effort to look down at her girlfriend and smile in content. Laying beneath the stars, alone in the midst of night, with her girlfriend's heart beating along to the rhythm of hers, this was pure ecstasy for Violet. This was her reason.

"Clem," she ever so quietly spoke. She waited for a response, but the sound of Clementine lightly breathing with her eyelids shut didn't seem promising. "Clem, wake up," Violet repeated, slowly rising with the brunette still resting in her arms.

Clementine awakened from her slumber. The last thing she remembered was watching the bright stars hovering over her and Violet as night grew before their eyes. "My back is itchy," she spoke as she reached behind her, "heh, did we really fall asleep out here?"

"Afraid so." Vi reached out for her girlfriend's hand and pulled her up, still trying to defeat the oncoming fatigue. "Any idea what time it is?" she queried.

"It is.." Clementine said as she reeled out her phone from her back pocket, "2:17. I'd love to stay out here forever with you and keep watching the stars, but a warm, cozy bed is calling my name."

"Heh, mine, too," Violet shared, glancing up at the stars one last time before a roof would shield them from her vision. Tenaciously clasping her girlfriend's hand, Clementine offered a warm smile before leading Violet back inside of her home. Silently passing AJ's room so the young boy's sleep would not be disrupted, they were once again found inside Clementine's room together.

The brunette blocked out everything in her vision besides her bed, desperately craving sleep. She slid under the blankets with her back resting against the headboard, flipping over the blankets next to her to create a space for Violet. The blonde furrowed an eyebrow in confusion. "Oh, you want me to sleep in your bed, with you?" she questioned softly.

"Do you really think I'm going to make my girlfriend sleep on the floor?" Clementine playfully rolled her eyes and chuckled. "I want you in my bed." Her eyes gaped for a mere second, hearing her words aloud. "Wait, not like-" blush flushed her cheeks red, and her heart skipped a few more beats than usual. "You know what I mean," she muttered with a smile.

"Okay," Violet replied with assurance, joining her girlfriend and wrapping herself in the blankets. "So.. I guess this is the part where we fall back asleep?" she awkwardly stated.

A dubious expression struck Clementine, darting her eyes to the ground. Violet took immediate notice, and she came to Clem's aid. Placing her hand on top of Clem's and finding her glistening eyes, she inquired, "Clem, what's on your mind? I can tell something's brewing inside there."

An unconvincing sigh escaped Clem's mouth. She shifted her position under the sheets so she was directly facing Violet. "Maybe it's not my place to ask, but back at Ericson, when I brought up your home, you seemed to heavily object it."

Violet felt her nerves suddenly building up inside of her. She just wanted to avoid speaking about her laughable living situation and talk about literally anything else. The girl she loved sat no more than a foot away from her, and admitting the truth might ravage how her girlfriend sees her. Growing up Violet had always been closed-off and alienated due to the havoc caused at home. Now finally, she's with the one person who truly makes her happy. Losing Clementine would be losing everything to her.

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