7 ~ A New Beginning for Us

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Violet stood patiently still as she rung the doorbell that belonged to Clementine's dwelling. Her heart thumped faster than lightning struck as she swayed slowly back and forth on the patio pavement, nervous but intrigued for what was to unfold between the girls. As she was about to text Clementine to alert her presence, she heard footsteps shuffling inside before the door opened, and she was met with those comforting, warm eyes she longed for everyday.

"Hey," Clementine greeted with a benign smile, "thanks for, you know, coming. I wasn't sure if I should have waited until class, but honestly I've grown tired of waiting." She gestured for Violet to enter through the doorway and into her house.

"Yeah, I'm glad you texted me. There's uh, something I should probably tell you." As she took off her black converse shoes, her eyes were drawn to the rich delicacies and fine interior of Clementine's house. A pang of embarrassment stabbed her as she briefly compared her home, if she could even call it that, to Clementine's lovely residence. "Your place is really nice," Violet noted, reuniting with Clementine's golden brown eyes.

"Heh, thanks. It's not Louis nice, but it's definitely cosy and homey." Clementine fondly smiled and started walking toward the stairs, indicating for Violet to follow. "I guess we can talk in my bedroom," Clementine informed as she grasped onto the wooden railing that led upstairs. Her foot grazed the first step, having to halt any further movement as Lee and AJ came unexpectedly through the narrow hallway.

"Who's that?" AJ inquired as he furrowed his eyebrows at the unfamiliar figure. He tilted his head slightly as if that would help ring a bell.

"AJ, this is Violet. She's a friend from school," Clementine explained. Someday, Clementine hoped that she would get to introduce Violet as more than just a friend, but for now she would just have to settle for her as a friend.

"Vi-olet. Like, the flower?"

"Yeah, just like the flower, little man," Violet kindly replied. She smiled at the younger boy and then glanced up at Lee. "Hey, Mr. Everett," she greeted with a friendly yet bashful wave.

Lee happily nodded and placed his hand on top of AJ's fro, shaking him around playfully. "It's great to finally meet you, Violet. But please, call me Lee. I've heard a lot about you."

"Good things I hope," she joked. Clementine was grateful that the two people she loved most were bonding, but she was impatient to get Violet upstairs in her room. She carefully placed her hand on Violet's shoulder and beckoned her head upstairs, hoping she would get the hint.

"Violet's here to help me with a paper, so we'll be upstairs in my room," Clementine spoke. She lowered her hand to Violet's arm, grabbing ahold of it tenaciously. Contentment and warmth radiated through the blonde's body as she was quickly dragged upstairs.

"Alright, AJ and I are off to the park. Free yourselves to anything in the fridge and pantries," Lee yelled up the stairs, but the girls were already lost in Clementine's room. The brunette held the door for Violet as she waltzed in, mesmerized by Clem's room and its decorations. As she carefully examined it, she fixated her optics onto a framed picture sitting next to Clementine's bed. "Who are they?" Violet inquired as she scanned the photo that depicted two well-dressed people, smiling and laughing in what seemed to be a backyard.

Clementine's buoyant mood dropped at the poignant reminder, hesitant to respond. She wasn't ready to open up that part of her life again. Not even to Violet. "They're.." the girl trailed off. She dismally sat at the edge of her bed, staring at her hands in despair. "They're my parents. Well, they were my parents."

Violet immediately caught onto Clem's shifted mood, so she joined the girl on her bed and offered a weak but consoling smile. "I'm so sorry, Clementine. Do you.. want to talk about it? I mean I've never been the best at these kind of things, but I'm hear to listen if you want to." At first she teetered the idea, but she defeated her nerves and delicately placed her hand on top of Clementine's. The brunette averted her eyes from her hands to Violet's radiating eyes, grateful for the gesture.

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