Childhood Friend.

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(Mina and Chaeyoung are both 18.)

Chaeyoung's POV.

Banging at the door woke me from my slumber. "Get up! It's time for school!" I heard my younger brother Jeonghoon yell at me through the door. I sat up to stretch, then yawned.

"Okay I'm up." I responded back. I got up and ready for school, ate breakfast, then my brother and I were out the door to go. He's in grade 10, so he'll go to different classes. I'm in grade 12 now.

I'm not looking forward to this at all. It's gonna be the same as before. I'm miserable. I get chased after school. I get punched and kicked by boys.

They don't like me because I came out as bisexual. I had a crush on a girl named Sana, and I told her.

She's the one who told everyone I was gay, and she bullies me everyday now too. But moving on, let's get back to school I guess. I walk in the doors of my first period class, and I sat down.

The popular kids walk in a few minutes later. They seem to have a new girl with them... I didn't care to look.

I just sat there, with my eyes out the window, watching the wind blowing the trees branches. Leaves falling off of them. I wish I could be like those leaves... they're free from their hold, and they're free now. They flow with the wind like they are one with it. I continued to look through the window, till the teacher entered.

"There's a new student, please come up and introduce yourself!" Ms. Bae said. The new student went up and introduced herself. I didn't pay attention because I knew she was just going to be mean to me like everyone else.

The new girl introduced herself in a small, quiet voice, then sat back down. The class went through smoothly after that. I'm surprised... because usually Sana antagonizes me before class begins... but I think she was busy gushing about something to her friends.

I was happy for a second. The time flew by, and it was already lunch time. I went to the school roof, and sat down on the ground.

I plugged in my headphones and slowly swayed my head back and forth to the sound emitting from them. I closed my eyes and felt the wind kiss my skin...

Until I felt something forcefully yank out my headphone. It was Sana and all her friends behind her. I looked at her with eyes full of fear and horror.

"Hey kid! What do you think you're doing up here? Don't you think you should make friends and eat or something? Ha! You can't. It's not like anyone will ever befriend a dyke like you. And how could you eat knowing you're already fat enough as is?" Sana said and all her friends laughed except the new girl.

The new girl was behind a guy named Mark, so I didn't really see much of her. I just stared at Sana, silent.

She pushed me and I fell onto the ground, as I landed I fell on my hand. I heard and felt a crack. I winced in pain and pulled it out from underneath me. I looked at it, and it was all red, with blood flowing out a cut on my knuckle.

I glared at her and ran past them, and down the stairs. I ran and ran, till I made it to the clinic. Tears were flowing down my face as I opened the door.

I was thinking about how Sana could possibly turn into someone so horrible. She used to be so sweet and gentle to me. Always protecting me from harm, saying sweet words, and always being there for me. I thought she was a good fit for me... but I was wrong.

As I got into the clinic, the nurse saw my hand and immediately came to my aid. She told me I broke one of my fingers, and I should probably go to the hospital. She put a splint on it anyways, and sent me off after treating the other wounds on my hand. I left and ran into who I think is the new girl, since I've never seen her around school before.

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