Betray. [M]

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Chaeyoung's POV.

So I saw Mina leave the house today. Again. She told me she had some shopping to do, and was going to see her friends. She's been doing that for about two weeks now.

It's hard to accept, but I know what she's doing. I know who she's seeing. I know why she's seeing her too.

For pleasure? Seriously? What am I? Do I just... not exist to her anymore? Why does she need to see someone else when she lives with me, when we do everything a couple does. Including sex.

I'm beating myself up too much about this. I've been thinking I'm not enough, but it's her. It's all her. Why would she do something like this to me? When she knows she has me, and says she loves me no matter what. Does she love me while she's cheating on me? While she's betraying me and my trust?

Who does she think she is? I'm a loyal person, and I thought she was too. She thinks I don't see the love marks she comes home with. But I see it all. She tries to hide it, but it's no use. I know what's going on. Yet I still love her. Why? What for? All I get out of this situation is pain.

She's been gone for hours. I've been waiting for her to come back. Sitting on the ledge by the window, watching the cars go by. Yet I haven't seen hers.

I continued to wait... then suddenly I see her car pull up. I got up excitedly, but why? Why am I still happy to see her when I know where she's been. She touches another persons body, and will come home to touch mine with the same hands.


Mina ran up to the door after she got out of the car. She opened the door, and saw Chaeyoung standing in front of her wearing a bright smile. Fake.

"Baby!" Mina screamed excitedly and ran into Chaeyoung's arms.

"Hey, Minari. Where's the groceries?" Chaeyoung curiously asked and scanned Mina's hands.

Mina looked down at her hands and widened her eyes.

"O-oh! They didn't have what we needed. So I just went to my friends house to hang out for a while. I missed you..." Mina kissed Chaeyoung's nose gently.

Chaeyoung nodded. "I see." She looked down and walked towards the couch. Mina trailed behind and grabbed Chaeyoung's hands.

"Hey, is there anything wrong Chaengie?" Mina asked worriedly and lifted Chaeyoung's face to look at her.

"Oh! No. No, no. I'm okay, I promise. I just missed you..." Chaeyoung smiled.

Mina nodded and smirked slightly. She pushed Chaeyoung down on the couch, and hovered over her.

"How did you miss me, babe? Did you miss me ravishing your body? Hm?" Mina rubbed Chaeyoung's clothed breasts together harshly.

Chaeyoung moaned and nodded.

Mina gripped and pushed Chaeyoung's tits together even harder than before. "Use your mouth to answer." Mina growled.

"Ah! Y-yes! I did! I did!" Chaeyoung whined desperately.

Mina smiled and released Chaeyoung's breasts. "Let's go to the bedroom." Mina winked and lifted Chaeyoung into her arms.

Chaeyoung wrapped her hands around Mina's neck, and legs around her waist. She clenched her jaw hardly till she began to frown. She was holding her tears as best as possible, but they were bound to release at some point.

Chaeyoung felt so wronged. Betrayed. Why did Mina think she could get away with what she was doing? Why did Chaeyoung still want it? Why didn't she leave Mina on the spot? Why couldn't she just let go?

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