Meet you. [1]

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(Very long one-shot ahead.)

As Mina laid in her bed, darkness of night took over her bedroom. She didn't bother to turn her lights back on, as it would ruin her moment of somber. She sat on her windowsill, a cushion below her to keep her comfortable.

While she looked out the window, the light of the sky illuminated her face. She was glowing, Mina. Hardly anything could compare to the beauty she held. She had it "all" as people said, but she had everything she needed. What most people could want.

She came from a rich family, and grew up into a family business. It was never something she hoped for, as she wished to be an idol. Famous, and her face known to everyone.

Isn't that what she deserved? Her pretty face could be all over the place, and no one could get tired of it.

Yet she grew up under her families rules, and was forced into the business she never wanted to run.

Though she never wanted to do it, she ran the business well, and kept it going just as her father wished. She exceeded his expectations, and he was ever so proud of her.

Their business started to get more and more recognition, of course with Mina's help.

What was their company for, you may ask? Well. It is highly popular in the music industry, and is a studio for plenty of well known K-POP artists.

That was one of the reasons Mina didn't want to manage the business. She's so close to what she wants, but she's been blocked from grabbing it. Her father would never allow her to pursue such a career, when he's already chosen her fate for her.

This is the job she'll be doing everyday, for who knows how long into the future.

But a perk of the business, is that Mina is constantly in close contact with tons of celebrities. Idol groups mainly. She's met many, from BlackPink, BTS, EXO, Red Velvet and GFriend, to Mamamoo, Stray Kids, GOT7, and DreamCatcher.

All lovey groups, filled with lovely people. Some have seen Mina's beauty though, and have shown interest in her, but Mina has never been interested in having a relationship, let alone with an idol.

She doesn't crave the recognition anymore. She gave up on that kind of fame long ago, when her father forced her into the job she's doing.

As Mina thought, she let out another loud sigh, her breath creating condensation on the glass window.

She's just thinking, how miserable she must look, being a 27 year old woman, never been in a relationship, and is  lifelessly working for her father.

How sad is that? Sure, she's "successful" and has money, but she doesn't feel as it's worth it.

Mina looked up at the moon, and marvelled at the gorgeous "star". The largest one of them all. She looks up at the sky, and her heart felt as if it has dropped to the bottom of her body, weighing her down like an anchor.

She holds her chest, and thinks about how her soul mate could possibly be staring at the exact same star, the one that shines the most.

The one that keeps things lightened, even if everything has been shaded with a dark black tint from the night sky.

Mina grabbed her phone out, and started looking through some social media posts. From the groups she's met, through to American artists she likes.

But there's this one artist, that she's never met. She could, but she never has. Or at least hasn't had the opportunity yet. She works for the company that the artist is under, but somehow she's never met her.

A girl. A Korean solo artist. She's 25, she's a singer/songwriter, and has written all of her songs herself. She's had some people featuring here and there, but she has always been more individual, and enjoys releasing her own works.

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