Ch 3. A letter from Yiling Laozu

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Mo Ziyuan POV

Mo's restaurant has always been a bit lousy, but Mo Ziyuan does his best to keep it afloat. He wanted to open an antique shop earlier in life, but his mother wanted to keep her business, so he did. 

It is time to close when he notices a customer is in the chair near the entrance.

"We are closing," he says

"Hello, cousin," says the man in the chair, his face in the dark, covered by a long hat.

Mo Ziyuan pounces, ready to fight.

"Relax," says the man. "I am not here to fight but to bring you great fortune in exchange for a favour." He proceeds to open a towel with a small and exquisite golden dragon and an envelope.

"what do you want, Mo XuanYu?"

"I want you to call someone, a famous detective will come if you do, and you have to deliver this envelope to him. He can give you the dragon companion figurine in exchange, making you rich. However, this envelope contains important information. Avoid opening it. Otherwise, you will be quite miserable."

Mo Ziyuan smiles coldly "why me?"

"Because we are family, but mostly because I know you like money and antiquities, and because your restaurant is close to the office of the detective, so no one will find it suspicious if he comes here to eat."

"I am glad that you see it that way" Mo Ziyuan approaches, but the youth goes a few steps back, avoiding contact. Then, he ignores the behaviour and proceeds to take the golden dragon in his hands, staring at the intricate details.

"so exquisite, and to whom shall I call?" – he says. There is no one there. Mo Xuanyu has just vanished. The envelop reads

"To: WeiWuxian and LanWanji of GusuLan

From: Yiling Laozu"

"Creep" says Mo Ziyuan, disgusted, while closing the door.


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