Chapter 43

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May 15

Dear Will,

I'm sorry I ran out on you and haven't answered your calls. I don't regret what happened between us even though to you it might seem that way. For weeks, I longed for that moment, for the chance to touch you, to look into your eyes, to grasp the desires that had haunted me for weeks and weeks... And then it happened, and it was perfect.

You're probably wondering why I've run away. It's because I realized all Destiny said was true. Yes, I've finally accepted it. No matter how impossible and fantastic the story may seem, I believe it. Destiny's death was probably the catalyst, shaking up everything that had been firmly set in my mind.

There have been too many coincidences, too many dreams, too many feelings leading me down the same road. I still don't understand how Destiny knew all that she did—about me, then and now. About you. About everyone, it seems. OK, she was a medium, but what does that really mean? That she had access to the deepest secrets of everyone on the planet? Maybe it doesn't matter, anyway. If I'm willing to accept such an outlandish story, I guess I should be willing to accept the mysterious nature of Destiny.

That said, I can't continue this way. I don't want to gather up remnants of the past and try to piece them together. It's too late to continue our story. I have to move forward and can't look back. It's too painful. It's an open wound that can only heal if we forget about each other once and for all. There, I've said it. Please accept my decision, Will. It's the best thing for both of us. We can't live in the past.


That was the letter I stuffed into Will's mailbox as tears blinded what I considered to be my last view of his gallery. I promised myself I wouldn't return.

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