Chapter 60

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May 25, noon

I ran from the tube station and into the pouring rain that wiped away the brightness of the early morning hours. The Grand East Hotel stood tall and gloomy, its gray exterior blending with the darkening sky. Beyond drenched, I whirled through the revolving doors and hurried to the elevator that swallowed me in one gulp of steel. I hit number four and made my way through the labyrinth to my room. Just one quick stop to throw on dry clothes.

I stripped, tossed my wet top and jeans onto the armchair and pulled on my most comfortable cotton dress and sweater. In less than five minutes, I was ready to go. But something stopped me. A cream-colored envelope that someone had slipped under the door. It was half rumpled from my damp, careless footsteps as I had entered the room. I snatched it off the ground and ripped it open.

Four simple words and then a signature:

I don't believe you.


I crushed the paper against my chest and let the tears that had been begging to fall for a million different reasons trickle down my cheeks. I thought back to our argument. He didn't believe what I had said any more than I did. I wasn't that good of an actress. I could never look him straight in the eye, say "I don't love you" and be convincing.

Where was he? Still here in London or had he returned to New York?

I turned the envelope over in my hands and looked inside, but I couldn't find a clue. He most likely had returned home. He couldn't leave his gallery unattended for long.

Wiping away my tears, I stuffed the letter into my suitcase and hurried out the door. Relief washed over me: Will didn't believe the cutting words that had slipped out of my mouth much too easily.

My quest for answers to every question Destiny's presence stirred up was necessary. I wouldn't deny that. But I was still too vulnerable to accept a relationship with Will. And live in the same state of insanity that had overcome me since January? No. I had to uncover the truth about all Destiny had said. That way I could put it behind me forever. Then I had to get on with my life. Alone.

I raced through the dim, empty halls with my feet rather than my eyes guiding the way. Then up, up, up that little ladder at the end of the hall near the highest level, through the trap door and into the room that smelled of fresh paint.

I sat there on cold opaque glass glowing blue beneath me and looked around at the newly completed renovation of this magnificent space that had known so many parties. I could picture the bar to my left and the dance floor in front of me. To the right, near the wide expanse of bay windows, were the tables and chairs where Zachary Taylor and I had shared champagne. I could still feel Will's mouth on mine as I gazed at the window straight ahead. Right there, he had kissed me for the first time.

In my mind, everything was right as it should have been. But when I looked around, there wasn't a single trace of Gabriel's parties. I thought back to my earlier daytime visit to this room while it was under renovation, and I shuddered.

Then I scolded myself for such silliness. What did I really hope to find here? Did I expect to see Gabriel? Or did I wish to meet Zachary Taylor? Something, anything, to prove I wasn't crazy.

And just then, a tiny object on the ground glimmered in the overcast light of a stormy day. I walked across the floor and bent down. The earring. The missing amethyst earring. Exactly where Zachary Taylor and I had been dancing. Numbly, I picked it up and with unsteady hands stabbed it through my earlobe.

This whole story might have seemed impossible, but it wasn't. This was part of the proof. Zachary Taylor was an expert at providing material proof. I wasn't crazy after all. And he, wherever he was, wanted me to know that.

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