Chapter 75

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June 16

Dr. Bell's office. He raised a furrowed, gray brow when he saw me enter.

"You look surprised to see me," I said.

"You cancelled our other appointments over the past few months."

"I'm sorry... I was out of town."

"The project with Ms. Garnier? How did that go?"

"Very well. Oh, I can't say that it's a sure cure for someone in my situation, but I think it's helpful. I called her before leaving London saying I would be willing to participate in another project, but I never heard back from her."

Dr. Bell shook his head and scribbled a few words in my file.

"That's not surprising," he said. "She's ceased operations."

"Well, that's not surprising, either," I said, "considering she just bought a hotel."

"Yes, she told me. A lifelong dream of hers, apparently."

"You spoke with her?"

He nodded solemnly, set his pen on the desk and sighed.

"She wanted me to relay a message to you."

"Why couldn't she pick up the phone and call me herself? Too ashamed of the lies?"

"You seem upset by the situation with Ms. Garnier."

"I don't want to get into it," I said. "It's a long story, much too long."

"Maybe you'll feel ready to share it another time."

"What did she want to tell me?"

"She sent this note for you." He handed me an envelope. "She didn't have your new address. I know you're eager to have a look at it, so if you would like to schedule another appointment with me rather than continue..."

"Yes, thank you," I said, rising hastily. "I'll call you."

But we both knew my time as a patient had reached an end.

Dear Kat,

I know your interest of the past few months has been The Grand East Hotel and all of the stories that have unfolded there. I'm sorry I wasn't able to share the entire truth with you from the start, but as you now know, it's a very messy and complicated situation. And as a result, friends and relatives have transformed themselves into enemies.

A few months ago, I gave up on my dream of bringing this old place back to glory. The parties were too harmful for the hotel's reputation. Then I saw the light at the end of the tunnel, so I jumped on the occasion.

I think almost everyone is satisfied with the outcome. In about six months, the disagreeable and unfortunate events will be forgotten, and visitors will flock to my hotel seeking tranquility—not turmoil in the ballroom. You and Will are welcome as my special guests at any time, and you can be sure there won't be any strange visitors during the night.

All of my best,


With shaking hands, I stuffed Gwen's note back into the envelope. She had told me everything and nothing.

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