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As soon as she opened her eyes that beautiful, sunny morning Erin bitterly regretted waking up, even without having drunk the night before, a jackhammer seemed to work inside her skull in the form of a giant migraine that would wrap her stomach just by turning over in bed. Jay her boyfriend left before she woke up to solve a problem with her brother. Erin mentally thanked her for that as she sat up, her craving turning to vomit that soiled the floor beside the bed.

Her eyes blurred slightly, Erin went back to bed trying to muster the strength to get up, take some medicine, clean up the mess, and get ready for work. This was the third time in the last two weeks that she woke up with a headache, but it was also the first time she vomited.

After long minutes she finally managed to get up, eat something, and take medicine. After a while the pain eased allowing her to do things without dizziness threatening to make her pass out.

As soon as she could walk smoothly again, Erin went to clean up the dirt near the bed, and then went to shower and get ready for work. As she settled down the feeling that something was changing took hold of her thoughts, how much has changed since Jay and she began living together, and with each passing day she finds herself even more in love with him.

At times, such as during that morning, Erin was lost in thought about what the future will be like, what it could be. Sharing a home is the first step to something incredible or terrible, so far it has been incredible for the young couple. But those three mornings she woke up feeling sickened her, since she rarely got sick, so before leaving Erin made a decision, if that happened again she would go to the doctor.

The brunette arrived at the police station for her patrol shift, as she was required to, and found Sergeant Platt muttering to another patrolman who asked her something, whatever it was that left her in a bad mood, not that the woman is known for her good looks. humor.

"Good morning Sergeant," Lindsay greeted her as she leaned against the police desk.

"Day," she replied, reviewing some sheets in her hand. "Here's the car key." Platt set a key on the counter.

"Good morning Sergeant" Ruzek also appeared dressed as a patrolman "Lindsay.

Platt grunted again giving instructions to them and then dismissing them, the two detectives exchanged a look before following the path to the car park.

" Hey Lindsay " Sergeant called, turning the brunette back to the counter "are you ok?

Erin frowned at the woman, wondering at the question.

"Yes," she answered. Platt nodded and refocused on the papers in his hand.

Erin lost two more seconds staring at the woman, at last she gave up talking to the older and went the way, finding Ruzek leaning against the car they were going to use today.


Jay should have been feeling a bit bad for lying to Erin, but instead he was annoyed to get to his brother's apartment and the younger one not being there.

Getting back in his mind Jay searched his mind for the moment when he had spent in Med where his brother worked to talk, but the redhead was too busy and the dark-haired man was too tired to wait for the other's shift to end, so he asked to speak to Will the next morning before his own shift at the police station, though the youngest didn't go home after his work.

The policeman wasted half an hour of his time repeatedly calling the doctor who didn't answer his cell phone, annoyed as hell and eager to punch his brother in the face, he decided to go to the police station at once, and solve his problem later.

On the way to work the brunette passed the traveling amusement park that was in the city until the end of that week, stopped at traffic lights and watched the children play in the park across the street. When the signal opened he noticed a child running too close to the street, being prevented at the last second from stepping off the sidewalk by a woman who managed to reach the little boy.

He breathed a sigh of relief that no accident had happened, then concentrated on the traffic as a loud crash made him startle, braking the car sharply as the brunette looked sideways in time to see a second blast where there was a carousel.

Jay turned around still looking at the park and saw the fallen Vikings boat with a part still stuck and people hanging from the toy, plus a carousel fire. Hundreds of people screaming and running, children crying and calls for help.

Jay rushed out of the car toward the carousel, which was closer than the other toy, and more children in need of help. As he approached he already found a girl who tripped, almost being trampled. He helped her to her feet, then a man approached, she called him a father and went with the man.

A boy shouted, attracting the detective's attention, turning in that direction he saw an armed man pointing his gun at the child. Jay fetched his own gun from the holster, but realized he had left it in the car, and he ran to the child using his body as a shield when the man fired.

Pain rushing through his body, concentrating on his chest as if a two-ton elephant was jumping over his trunk, he let go of the boy who ran off, falling backwards onto the grass. Using more force than he ever needed to turn his face, Jay looked in the direction where the man who shot him was seconds ago, but he was gone.

Her breathing was reduced to a vain attempt to catch her breath, her vision was partially darkened, and her hearing seemed to be muffled, as if there were earplugs in her ears, the sound of screaming diminished. Still, Jay could hear the sirens that seemed to be far away, with all his might he struggled to stay awake even though he was cold and unbearable.

"Help," he asked with the rest of his breath.

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