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"You're ready?",Jennie asked Yebin.

Yebin nodded then whispered,

"Hurry before Meowii wake up".

Jennie nodded then read the spell to enter the world that they have live before,

The human world


They arrived on the middle of the streets.

Cars honking,people passing by,music played out loud.

"Damn,i miss this",Yebin said to Jennie.

Jennie looked at Yebin,

"You really miss being in a hectic world?"

Yebin smiled,

"I just miss the atmosphere"

Both of them walked together before Yebin saw a guy was running in a hurry.

She walked normally but then she realized the guy wont even budge which might hit her.

She wanted to move her body but then the guy just walk pass her without realizing her.

Yebin felt confused then turned to Jennie,wanted an explanation.

Jennie smiled at her,

"We're ghosts for them.They wont see us"

Yebin started to notice that then laughed.

She tried to tap a guy's shoulder infront of her but the guy wont even react.

"This is funny",Yebin said to Jennie before Jennie stopped her.

"Lets go other place",she pulled Yebin's hand then walked to other places.


"What are you doing?",Yebin asked Jennie.

Jennie sat then tapped to her side,asking Yebin to sit beside her.

Yebin sat beside Jennie then looked at the view infront of her.

"I really miss watching this kind of scenery",Jennie said.

Yebin turned to her,

"We also have this in our world",Yebin replied with a laugh.

Jennie slightly smiled,

"Yeah,but i really wish i get to see this view with my parents"

Yebin bit her lips before she asked Jennie,

"Does your parents busy?"

Jennie sighed then nodded,

"I wish they know how much i miss them"

Yebin looked down,she suddenly miss her family.

Her clumsy dad,her bossy appa,her awkward brother and her annoying brother.

She felt like she should be grateful with what she have.

She suddenly stood,attract Jennie's attention.

Jennie looked at Yebin who lend her hand to her,


Yebin grinned,

Before You Go // BTS FFWhere stories live. Discover now