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Night came as a reward of sorts, a restfulness above to calm the soul.

Both Yoongi and Hoseok already on the bed after their finished their work and visiting Taehyung.

Hoseok was wrapped in a profound sleep while Yoongi was in the urge of a breakdown.

"Hoseok's moving" kept playing like a mantra in his head.

The relaxing music he played during bedtime finished long ago but his eyes are as stationary as the silhouette of his bedside lamp.

"Why he want to leave me?",he mumbled.

He turned his body facing Hoseok who was deeply in sleep.

He couldnt accept it that he will never get to see the person infront of him forever.

He slowly moved his body then hugged Hoseok's body until their nose met.

How he really wished to hug Hoseok tightly so that Hoseok wont go and leave him alone anymore.

He started to feel the tightening at his throat once the first tear broke free,the rest followed in an unbroken stream.

He felt the water creeped out from his eyes.

He sniffled quietly as he worried he's too loud that might wake Hoseok up.

Yoongi calmed himself then closed his eyes hoping that he will find happiness in his dream.


"Kids!",Namjoon called his children from downstairs.

Yoongi walked down the stairs,approached his father.

"Where's Yebin and Taehyung?",Namjoon asked.

"Yebin's not in her room",Yoongi told Namjoon as he came to Yebin's room earlier to return her blanket that he borrowed yesterday.

Namjoon thought of something before he smiled,

"She must be in Taehyung's room",Namjoon assumed.

Yoongi tapped his head,felt frustrated as he couldnt figure out where his sister is.

Of course she's at Taehyung's room,she kept on bugging Taehyung since Taehyung had been discharged from hospital.

She really worried if Taehyung became sick again or even worse..leave her.

"Nevermind,i call them for you",Yoongi offered to help Namjoon.

Namjoon thanked him before he prepared all the foods that he bought for his children.

Seokjin wasnt at home because he have a meeting with his friend.

Namjoon prepared the foods then waited for his children to come down and to have lunch with him.

After Yoongi arrived infront of Taehyung's room,he opened the door and entered the room.

His eyes were fixed on two person who were sleeping on the bed soundly.

He sighed then walked closer to them before he woke both of them up.

"Hey wake up,its already noon~",Yoongi wriggled their body hoping for them to wake up.

Taehyung slowly opened his eyes and nod to his brother.

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