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Both Taehyung and Yebin looked at each other as they couldnt believe with what they heard.

"Yes,its true.Your brother will send you and pick you up from school starting from today.Right, Yoongi?",Hoseok confirmed it to Yoongi.

Yoongi felt hesitated but he didnt want Hoseok to nag at him so he nodded without looking at both of them.

"Are you sure it wont disturb your work?",Seokjin asked Yoongi.

"Hmm",Yoongi nodded while continue eating his breakfast.

"Owh thats great.Sometimes i have to rush to pick them up from school.Im quite busy nowadays so thanks a lot Yoongi",Namjoon thanked Yoongi.

Yebin and Taehyung slowly shooked their head cause they really felt nervous and scared.

"You guys okay with it?",Hoseok asked both of them.

They both gulped then looked at each other before they nodded while smiled awkwardly.

"Thats great!",Hoseok cheered then clapped his hands excitedly while Yoongi felt so done with him.


"Bye~Study well at school.Make sure you guys talk~",Hoseok waved them goodbye before Yoongi drove away to their school.

As they were in the car,the situation became very awkward.

No one dare to talk to each other as Taehyung and Yebin stared outside the window.

Hoseok's voice kept on poppin' on Yoongi's head as he started to feel annoyed with it.

"Just ask like 'how's your school?' or you can ask Taehyung like 'how's your exam?' cause he's good in studying.You can also ask Yebin like 'do you join any sports?' or 'do you have a boyfriend bla bla bla"

"Aaiisshhh this is so annoying!",he yelled in his head.

He took a deep breath then cleared his throat before he tried to start a conversation.

"Urm..how's your school nowadays?",he asked.

Taehyung and Yebin looked at each other before Yebin signalled Taehyung to answer Yoongi.

"Urm..f-fine",Taehyung answered before he ogled his eyes to Yebin.

"Urm..how about you,Yebin?",he asked Yebin

"Err..im good",she answered.

"Owh~",Yoongi replied even though basically he's like ended the conversation.

He focused back on his driving before he realized they're still far from the school.

"Damn!what should i talk about next!",he thought.

"Erm..when is your exam,Taehyung?",he asked.

"Erm..n-next week",Taehyung answered while stuttered.

"Owh..erm..good luck",Yoongi raised his fist to wish Taehyung good luck.

"Woow,is that really Yoongi oppa?",Yebin felt weird before she turned to Taehyung.

Taehyung shooked his head nonverbally told Yebin that he was afraid of Yoongi.

Yoongi sighed as he felt awkward with what he did so he put down his hand to the stereng then drove until they reached their school.

Both Taehyung and Yebin walked out from the car then turned back to Yoongi who had lowered the window from the passenger's seat.

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