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Yebin slowly raised her head to check whether Taehyung already fall asleep or not.

She looked at Taehyung who was sleeping soundly before she slowly walked out from the bed.

Tonight is her chance to go and meet Jungkook as Yoongi was at his office,working late.

She tiptoed when Meowii walked to her and rubbed its body at her legs,

"Meowii be quiet,Taehyung will wake up",Yebin whispered to warn Meowii.

Meowii sulked and walked away while Yebin tiptoed to walk outside the room.

As soon as she opened the door,she quickly walked out and closed the door slowly.

She felt relieved as she suceed in going out from her room.

She slowly walked down the stairs when she felt like someone was watching her.

"Where are you going?"

Yebin was shocked so she turned her head to the voice.

"I know i cant trust you",Yoongi approached Yebin while crossed his arms against his chest.

"Lets go",he took Yebin's hand to bring her back to her room before Yebin pushed him away.

"Let go of me!"

Yoongi started to get annoyed especially when his sister being rebellious.

"Dont be too loud,dad and appa will hear us",Yoongi talked slowly while warned her.

"I dont care!",Yebin shouted when they heard footsteps running downstairs.

"Yoongi hyung,have you seen Yebin?!",Taehyung ran to them but he soon felt relieved when he saw Yebin.

"Can you stop with your act,c'mon its already late",Yoongi tried to persuade Yebin.

Yebin ogled her eyes to both her brothers,anger began engulfed her and making her felt dissatisfied.

"Why are you guys doing this to me?!Why cant I meet the one that i love?!",Yebin yelled complaining her dissatisfaction.

"Whats going on here?"

All three of then turned their head to Seokjin who was standing on the stairs.

"Are you guys fighting right now?Its already late",Seokjin nagged at his children.

Taehyung didnt dare to open his mouth while Yoongi walked closer to Yebin then took her hand,

"Lets g--"

"Let go of me!",Yebin interrupted him and released her hand.

"Kim Yebin,lower your voice.Our neighbours might heard us",Seokjin scolded his daughter.

"I dont care,i want to go meet Jungkook!",Yebin yelled ignoring his appa.

"Who's Jungkook?",Seokjin asked as the name wasnt familiar for him.

Taehyung moved his hand in denial,

"Nothing appa,nothing~",he said with his awkward smile.

"Yebin,enough~",Yoongi started to feel mad at Yebin.

Suddenly,tears started to drop from the corner of her eyes.

"Why everyone treat me like this?Why im the only one who cant love someone?",she let out her anger to her brothers.

Seokjin looked at his daughter,clueless.

"You're loving the wrong person",Yoongi answered as he felt so done with her.

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