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Yoongi looked at the mirror to make sure he looks fine.

While he was looking,his eyes were shifted to the reflection of Hoseok by the mirror.

He didnt want to wake Hoseok up,worried that he might be very tired.

Yoongi slowly opened the door then walked out the room.

He have to send Taehyung and Yebin to school before he went to work.

He went downstairs and knocked Taehyung's door,

"Taehyung~you already wake up or not?"

The door opened but Yoongi was shocked with the one who opened it.

"Owh~",Jimin looked shocked so he bowed to pay respect to Yoongi.

Yoongi stunned when he saw Jimin then he looked at Taehyung who was still on the bed.

"Urm..i tried to wake him up but he didnt want to",Jimin tried to explain worried that he might get scold by Yoongi.

Yoongi turned his head,looking at Taehyung who was fast asleep.

He walked inside and tapped Taehyung's body,

"Wake up,you have to go to school".

Taehyung pushed his hand,

"Aiishh Jimin,just let me sleep for a while.Wake me up when Yoongi hyung come but dont open the door",he said while he moved his body to the other side.

Jimin felt nervous especially when Taehyung responded that way.

"What if Yoongi hyung think the other way?"

"Wake up",Yoongi tapped again Taehyung's body.

"Aiishh just wake me when Yoongi hyung came",Taehyung complained.

"But im already here",Yoongi responded.

Yoongi's respond making Taehyung's eyes both opened and looked at the person who was looking at him.

One was emotionless while the other one looked so nervous.

"Damn!What if Yoongi hyung told dad and appa?!Im so dead!!!"

"Wake up,i'll go wake Yebin",Yoongi said to Taehyung before he walked away from the room.

After he left,Taehyung threw a pillow to Jimin.

"Why you didnt wake me up?",he scolded Jimin but he lowered his tone so that Yoongi wont heard him.

"I am but you're the one who didnt want to",Jimin defended himself.

"Im so done~",Taehyung mumbled while tapped his forehead.

Jimin sat beside Taehyung with his face facing Taehyung's,

"At least i get to talk to my brother in law",Jimin said before his face was hit by a pillow.

"Shut up!",Taehyung said then quickly ran to the bathroom.


Yoongi knocked Yebin's door,

"Yebin,are you already wake up?",he asked.

Yebin is easier to wake up than Taehyung but today she didnt opened the door.

Yoongi knocked again but still no response.

"Yebin,are you okay in there?",he asked but there's no answers.

He started to feel uneasy so he walked downstairs to look for the keys.

Before You Go // BTS FFOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora