3 lonely? omegas

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Iwaizumi was sitting on a sofa and looked at Tendou who was reading a new manga. Then he watched at Fukunaga, who was reading a new fantasy book. "Guys...so one thing happened yesterday." He said and saw how both of them looked at him. "Oikawa..well..he..mh. He told me that he..loved me or something like that. And he kinda..maybe..kissed me." He said. "Woah, i'm happy for you Hajime-kun!" Tendou said and smiled. Fukunaga smiled also and nodded. "Well...i mhm.." Iwaizumi said quietly and sighed. "I mean...i won't leave you guys, so..we have to fid better paying jobs so we can move out soon." Brown haired omega said. "W..what? But..." "I know tendou. but..i can't just leave you guys. And i mean..he can find a better omega. It's not like i'm irreplaceable. I'm sure that he will find someone who fit him better." Spiky haired omega said. "Hey, stop that." Tendou said and put his hand firmly on Iwaizumi's shoulder. "He said that he loves you. And believe me. He doesn't stop trying to get you. Not now, not never. You should stay with him and..let yourself be happy, okay? You deserve it." Red haired omega said. Iwaizumi smiled a little and just nodded. "I..yeah..but what about you guys? I can't just leave you." Iwaizumi said. "We will survive Iwaizumi. We will tell you where we move, so you can always visit us." Red head said. Iwaizumi sighed a little. He didn't wanna leave Tendou and Fukunaga. He...fucking hell. "well...let's talka about something else. Like...did anything happen with ushijima and kyoutani?" Iwaizumi asked.

Tendou hummed a little. "He just..said that he wasn't good with words and emotions and said that i shouldn't leave again." Tendou said. "and then he ran away." Tendou hummed. "He...i'm sorry but.. _THE_ Ushijima Wakatoshi ran away after....are you sure that he doesn't like you?" Iwaizumi asked. "Sounds like that he loves you." Fukunaga wishpered. Red haired omega just shakes his head. "No way." He said. "He only likes me as a close friend." Tendou said.

"Okay, how about you and angry pomerian?" Iwaizumi asked and Fukunaga just blushed. "He..isn't angry pomerian." Black haired omega said quietly. "And..he said that he was worried and he wanted to help me.." Fukunaga said, almost whispering.  Others just nodded. And he understood.  It was looking like he was the only one who would move away. Not that he would say it to others. Because both of them deserved to be happy.

Fukunaga was the first one to leave iwaizumi's room. He wanted to think about things. Like was he ready to move alone? Where would he even move? Would he tell that to other nekoma members? Kuroo would be mad if he would leave again and not tell him where he went. Black haired boy was on his own worlds and he didn't hear how blonde alpha called him. couple of times. "Dammit, Fukunaga." Kyoutani sighed and put his hand on Fukunaga's shoulder. Older one jumped a bit and watched alpha. "I tried to call you. You didn't hear me?" Kyoutani asked. Omega just shook his head. Kyoutani hummed and took Fukunaga's hand on his own. "mh?" omega asked and furrowed his eyebrows. "I...wanted to talk with you. So i was thinking that...i could take you out to eat? And i will talk to you there. Will it be okay?" Kyoutani asked. And...kyoutani looked so beautiful. His eyes were so, so beautiful and it felt liie they were sparkling. How could he even say no? Fukunaga just nodded and that made Kyoutani smile. "Let's go." Kyoutani said and started dragging omega out of the pack house.

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