Omega or monster?

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Tendou was at his own room. He didn't wanna see or talk to anyone. Not right now, even tough he was social butterfly. He was just reading manga. But soon....he became to get bored. But he didn't wanna talk to Semisemi....dammit. Maybe if he went to walk. It could do wonders. Red haired omega put his manga back in the shelf and left. Quickly he put his shoes on. Omega walked to the park and tried ignore people's looks what they gave him. He knew that he didn't look like an omega. But of course he smelled like one. So many people had to look him twice. It made him feel insecure. That was one reason why he knew that Wakatoshi didn't want him. He was just...him. Why would handsome, perfect alpha want him? He would get some beautiful, perfect omega. He always had beautiful omega women and male fans. So he couldn't see that he even would have change with him. Tendou walked next to some alpha group. He felt how most of them watched him as he walked by them, but he didn't care. They probably didn't believe that he was an omega. Like almost everyone.

"Hey, how come that you are omega?" One of the alphas asked. Tendou just rolled his eyes and continued walking. "Hey! Did you bitch hear me?" Alpha yelled and run beside him. "Stop it. And i don't know why i'm omega. There happy? Leave me alone." Tendou said, still walking. "Hah, you haven't learned anything? You omegas listen us." Alpha said and pushed red haired omega onto the tree. "Can you just leave me alone? I don't have time to deal with this bullshit." Tendou said. In reality he didn't have nothing but time. But he didn't wanna talk to that alpha. He wanted just be alone an enjoy his walk. "That's not how you talk with alpha." That man laughed. Tendou just rolled his eyed again and tried to push that man away, so he could walk away. "Heu hey now, stop it." Alpha laughed and watched Tendou. "I can't understand how someone like you can be omega. You are too tall and you look like a monster." Alpha said and smirked. He...looked like a monster? Okay, he had nickname 'guess monster' but... "That must be a reason why you don't have an alpha. You are just good fuck. Nothing more. Who would want omega who looks like you?" That alpha laughed. He...was right. Who would want him as their omega? Tendou felt like crying, but he didn't wanna cry in front of that alpha. "Mh, i can smell your sadness. You didn't know that you looked like an monster? Woah, don't you have a mirror at your home?" Alpha asked. Tendou didn't have a time to replay, when deep and angry growl was heard. Hm?

Alpha spin around and Tendou watched familiar alpha. Wakatoshi. "Waka-kun? What are you doing here?" Tendou asked. But Wakatoshi didn't answer him. "You asshole." Wakatoshi said, looking other alpha. Did...did wakatoshi just..curse? What? "Don't ever, ever talk like that to anyone. Especially someone like Tendou. He is amazing and most beautiful omega in this whole country. I will not let you talk like that to him. You are idiot, f you can't see how beautiful and perfect omega he is. He isn't monster. Only monster i see, is you and your awful personality. If your life is important to you, i suggest that you will walk away now, and never bother him or any omega ever again." Wakatoshi said and watched angrily that alpha. Alpha didn't know even what to say anymore, so he just ran away. Tendou knew that if they would have started fighting, Wakatoshi would have been winner. Tendou was starting to talk, but Wakatoshi hugged him. "I meant everything i said. You are most beautiful omega in this country. And i would be honored could let me court you." Wakatoshi said and looked Tendou. Tendou was blushing and so was Wakatoshi. "Waka-kun...why me? I...i'm not.." "No. Don't. You are perfect." Wakatoshi said. He had this serious expression on his face. "So...would you let me...court you?" Wakatoshi asked, looking Tendou's eyes. Tendou gulped and nodded. "I...i would be honored if you.." red haired started, but Wakatoshi stopped him by kissing him. Tendou kissed back and felt a tear roll down his face. Was this reality? Wakatoshi really wanted..him?       

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