Yamagata, broken phone and gay panic

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Yamagata didn't know what to do. He looked everyone in the pack and they were happy. Tendou finally got Ushijima all by himself. Oh how he wished that he was omega. But no, he was an beta. His crush would never want a beta. Why? He could do so much better and get a beautiful omega. His sub packs shortest has had massive crush on Oohira Reon for years now. And will he do anything about it? Absolutely not. No way. Reon was too good, too nice, too...perfect for anyone. Brown haired beta was at Ushijima's and Tendou's house with rest of the Shiratorizawa sub pack. All other's were playing or talking, but Yamagata just was sitting alone and playing a game in his phone. He didn't feel the need to start teasing Tendou for blushing when Ushijima called him tori in front of everyone. Yamagata just wished that someone would someday call him nicknames and would love him. Shorter one was on his own worlds, so he didn't hear how Kawanishi was sneaking behind him. Kawanishi smirked and screamed. That made young beta scream too and because Yamagata was easily scared, he just..kinda...did throw the phone on the wall....well fuck him. "Kawanishi!" Beta yelled and watched how other ones just laughed. "You should have seen your own face!!" Semi laughed.

Yamagata murmured and went to watch that was his phone alive. And..nope. It wasn't. Fuck. "Are you okay Yamagata?" He heard a gentle voice behind him. Yamagata turned aroind and saw Reon. Reon looked him and smiled and...fucking big gay panic. How can a man be that beautiful? Who the fuck gave him the right to be that beautiful? Yamagata didn't only want to thank Reon's parents, but god too for making a perfect human. Reon was just....perfect alpha, perfect friend, perfect packmate, perfect future mate, perfect dad...okay now. Yamagata, Reon asked you a question. Answer it you coward. "I..eah...i mean...yeah." brown haired beta said and tried to smile. Reon hummed and looked Yamagata's phone. "Guys, that wasn't funny. Now his phone is broken." Reon said and watched others...maybe even little bit angrily? "it really broke? sorry man." Kawanishi said. "Well, phone is like his owner. Broken and too gay to function at all." Shirabu said. And if guys weren't laughing by now, they were laughing after Semi said that "broken, too gay and always on the floor. Must be only bottom things i don't still understand." Yamagata looked ar his pack mates and wanted to strangle them all. Now. "Don't
mind them. They are idiots." Reon said and smiled. Yamagata only nodded and smiled too. "anyways, i have to go buy new phone now." Yamagata sighed and put the broken phone on his pocket. "If you want, i can help you look for a new one." Reon said and younger one blushed a little bit. "Well..you don't have to or anything, but...it would be nice. i don't know anything about phones.." Younger one said. Reon smiled and nodded. "Okay, let's go then." alpha said and went to put his jacket and sneakers on. "Try not to die. Remember, you can always call us when you have a gay panic." Semi said while smirking. "I will kill you someday." Yamagata murmured and walked away. Okay okay. He would just go to buy a phone with Reon. Nothing more.

There were too manu phones. Honestly Yamagata just wanted a phone with good camera, because he loved taking pictures. Reon looked one phone and smiled. "this would be good. You love yellow, so this would be perfect colour too. And camera is just perfect." Reon said. mh? other remembers his favorite colour? mh? "Oh, so cool! but..how much is i.." younger one was asking, but when he saw the price....yeah no. "yeah...i don't have money for that." Yamagata said. Reon just looked at him and smiled. Wait. Why did alpha smile like that. He...no. Fuck no. No no no. "Reon, put the phone back. I will not get it and you will not buy it for me." Shorter one said. Alpha just smirked. "Yeah yeah..." Reon said but ran to buy that phone. "REON, NO!" Yamagata yelled and ran next to alpha. He tried to stop alpha, but reon paid for the phone, screen protector and phone case. Even tough Yamagata said no. So, so many times. "You're welcome." Reon said and smiled at younger one who sighed. "You didn't have to pay for these. I could've.." "i know. but i wanted to." Reon said. "o..oh....well. Thank you. Now i owe you my whole life." Younger one said and laughed. Reon hummed and watched him. "Hmm..not your life. But i would like one thing..." Taller one said. Yamagata watched him, telling him to go on. "I would like to take you on date. With me. Tonight. At 7." Reon said and looked younger one. Yamagata....was blushing so bad. Did...did he really hear right? Was this really happening? omg!!

It was still a mystery to him how did he even manage to say okay for Reon and how he managed to go back to pack house without dying for gay panic. But now he was in Semi's and Shirabu's room and oh boy how this boy was screaming on the pillow. "WHAT DO I EVEN DO?! I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT TO WEAR! AAAH I'M GOING TO DIE!" Yamagata screamed. Semi hummed and looked younger one. "Your gay panic is showing." Semi said. "No shit sherlock." "Anygays, wear nothing and Reon will mate you right there and then." "SHIRABU!! STOP THAT SKSKKSKS" "How can you disaster gay even say sksksk out loud?" "Semi, he is in gay panic. He has the power of anime and god on his side" "Shirabu honey, we need to stop hanging out with tendou. He will only be bad influence to you." "Hey you guys, i'm dying, care to help me?" "wait a bit you disaster gay, me and semi need to talk about this bad influence"

At the same time in Ushijima's and Tendou's house

"I will die. He said yes! THE Yamagata Hayato wants to go out with ME!" Reon said and was panicked. The most perfect beta said yes to him. He just hoped it wasn't out of pity. "Yes, the same Yamagat Hayato that have always said that he would only date you. Shoking." Tendou said and smirked. "I tought that you guys are fucking already." Ushijima said. "Ushijima....just please. Stop." Reon said and sighed. "Don't worry Reon! it will go fine. It would be a miracle if you don't get to fuck him tonight." "TENDOU!"

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