Satori needs his cuddles

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Tendou didn't say he was mad. But he was mad. He wanted just cuddle with his alpha. Yes, kinda his alpha. Maybe? He didn't really know what they were. Where they dating? Red haired omega hoped so. He wanted to date wakatoshi. So, so much. But...wakatoshi was kinda distant? He didn't talk that much with tendou. And he had always something to do. Red haired omega just started biting his bottom lip. Fuck. What if alpha didn't like him anymore and was thinking that all of this was just big mistake? Aaah, Tendou didn't know what to think. "Tendou, are you okay? I can smell your distress." He heard Semisemi say, when he opened Tendou's door. "I..don't know. I kinda feel that...maybe Waka-kun doesn't like me anymore? Like...he feels so distant. We haven't talked for a while. And i don't know....maybe he just thinks that this all was a mistake and i'm not a good omega for him. And that's true, im not that good omega...he deserves better tha-" "Don't you fucking dare. You are my best friend you idiot. He is fucking idiot if he doesn't see that you are perfect for him." Semi said and ruffled older one's hair. Tendou smiled a little, and nodded. Maybe Semi was right. Maybe Ushijima was an idiot.  Just then someone knocked his door. "Tendou. Are you there?" Ah, it was Wakatoshi. Semi smiled at Tendou and nodded at the omega. "Get your man." Semi said. "Stop it." Tendou whined. Semi smiled and opened the door, looking now at Ushijima. "I'm leaving. Bye." Semi said and went in his room.

Tendou looked at Ushijima and smiled a little. But only a little. "Hi." He said and was already biting his bottom lip. "Come." Ushijima said. "Waka-kun, what?" Tendou asked. "Come." Younger one said. Tendou only nodded and stand up, walking at the door. Wakatoshi took his hand on his, and started walking. "Where are we going?" Tendou asked. Wakatoshi hummed and looked at omega. "You see soon. Tori." Wakatoshi said. Tendou smiled and walked out of the pack house with Wakatoshi. "Sorry." Wakatoshi said. "Mh, what are you talking about  waka-kun?" Tendou asked. "Being distant. I had my reasons." Wakatoshi said. They went upstairs and Tendou furrowed his eyebrows. The pack house was in high rise apartment. It was in 7th floor. And they were now in 6th floor. "I was thinking that we need our own apartment. Not that i hate our pack. But because i wanna be alone with you. So..i bought this. And it's close to our pack." Wakatoshi said and opened the door. Tendou smiled and watched at the alpha. "You really...did this" Tendou asked, watching this beautiful apartment. It was two-room apartment.  And tendou really liked it. "Yes. For us. For you. And maybe later for....our pup." Wakatoshi said, and watched the omega. "That's why i was distant. If i would have been close to you, i would have spoiled the surprise." Alpha said. Tendou smiled and hugged alpha. "Thank you Waka-kun. I really like it." Tendou said, kissing _his_ alpha. Wakatoshi wanted to live with him. This was just...perfect. He loved younger one so much. This was so perfect. "And now...i need some cuddles. You haven't been with me, so i want to be close to you now." Tendou said. "Of course my sweet Satori. You get your cuddles." Wakatoshi said and kissed red haired boy. Satori smiled and answered the kiss. He was so, so happy. 

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