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Okay so..this wasn't meant to happen this soon. Tendou had been feeling sick for a while, so Ushijima forced him to go to Shirabu for a check out. Shirabu was a pack healer after all.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN HOW YOU ARE PREGNANT!?!? Tendou, when alpha and omega loves each others very much...or if they just are horny like you guys are AND they don't use condoms or take birth control-" "I KNOW HOW BABIES ARE MADE OKAY!? I just...what if he hates this?" "Who?" "Wa-" "Don't. If you try to ask me that what if ushijima doesn't want to have pup with you, i will strangle you Tendou. That man is so in love with you he could and would kiss the ground you walk on. So...he will fucking love this news. And i swear to god if you ran away because of this, i will find you, steal your pup and kill you." "So mean Shirabu!"

So..this is how Satori was hiding in Eita's room, while younger beta tried to push omega out of his and Shirabu's room. "LEAVE YOU HEATEN!" "NEVER!" "IT'S NOT THAT BIG OF A DEAL YOU IDIOT!" "YES IT IS!" "NO IT ISN'T! USHIJIMA WONT LEAVE YOU BECAUSE OF THIS!" "YOU DON'T KNOW THAT!" "GO HOME!" "NEVER" "TENDOU!" "SEMISEMIII!" "I swear on Asahi...GO HOME!" "SEMISEMI, HELP ME!" "YOU DON'T NEED MY HELP! JUST SAY THAT YOU GUYS ARE HAVING A PUP AND LET HIM SPOIL YOU ROTTEN!" "Semi, no seriously. What if-" "THERE IS NO WHAT IF'S, I'M SURE USHIJIMA HAS MADE A LIFE PLAN WITH YOU, HE HAS EVEN SAID THAT HE WANTS A PUP WITH YOU!" "But what if he doesn't anymore?" "I swear to god Tendou, if you don't leave right fucking now i will kill you."

"They were so unfair! What if Wakkun really doesn't want a pup anymore? They can't know that. I can't know it ether. Because after he said that he wants to have a pup with me, he hasn't talked about it. And when we see couples with kids, he doesn't even care and he ignores the child completely." Red haired omega said and sighed, letting Iwaizumi pet his hair. "You should just tell him straight what is happening and that you are pregnant." "Didn't you try to avoid telling Oikawa, Hanamaki and Matsukawa that you really love them?" "Fukunaga, be sh now, please." Red haired omega huffed and just watched Fukunaga's room's door. "HOW CAN I EVEN TELL HIM THAT STRAIGHT IF I' NOT STRAIGHT MYSELF!?" "....tendou i swear i will beat every loving shit out of you." "iwa-chan! don't be like thaaat." "Why i am friends with you?" "Because you love me?" "Yeah, this isn't it." "Tendou....i have a question." "Tell me the tea fuku." "How does it feel like being pregnant?" "...you gonna be next to have a pup?" "I mean...ken be testing my birth control pills like-" "TOO MUCH INFORMATION, STOP!" "Iwa-chan being shy? What is this?" "uwu owo?" "I hate both of you." "And we love you too."

Tendou just sat on the living room of his and Wakatoshi's home. Wakatoshi was in some monthly pack leader meeting. They have new sub pack now, named Inarizaki. Not that Tendou had ever seen any of them, they still didn't live in the pack house with them.  Red haired omega just looked the clock and sighed. How would he say it to Toshi? What if Wakatoshi would just leave him after this? What if Wakatoshi has just been playing with Tendou and now when he has a kid toshi would just leave- no. Pull yourself together tendou! He would never! Wakatoshi loves you. Still Tendou couldn't stop the tear that fell down his cheek. Tendou was just...so scared. About everything. Kid will change lot of things. Were they ready for it? Okay, they already moved out of pack house, but still lived one floor away from them. But like..when pup comes, are they ready for it? Is he really ready to be a..mom? 

"...tori. Satori. What happened? I could smell your distress miles away." Oh...wakatoshi was home. Tendou hugged Wakatoshi, not saying anything for a while. And Alpha let him, no questions asked. At the end red haired omega was sitting on Wakatoshi's lap, as the alpha was scenting him, keeping him as close as possible. "Tell me Satori. What is the matter of this? Who made you this sad? Did something happen at Shirabu's check up, or?" olive haired alpha asked, making Tendou look at him. Tendou hummed, feeling how tears began to fell down his cheeks again. Damn. "Sato-" "I'm afraid toshi." "Why?" "...that you will leave me after i tell you what is happening." Tendou said, almost whispered the words really. Wakatoshi sighed and kissed softly Tendou's wild and soft red hair. "I will not leave you Satori. I love you too much. No matter what, i'm going stand by your side." Tendou just stared to his alpha, trying to look any lies or hesitation on his face, but...he didn't see anything. Tendou sighed and burried his head on Wakatoshi's shoulder. "Now i know why i am sick on the mornings. Wakatoshi kun....i'm..i'm pregnant. And i....i'm so scared-" Tendou tried to say but soon he was stopped by a deep kiss. "Really!? we are really going to be parents!?" "Y-yeah.." "Don't worry Satori. I will help you all the way. I will keep you and our little pup safe." Tendou looked at Wakatoshi, who was....crying? "Toshi!? Why are you crying!?" "I'm just...so happy. I'm going to be a father....and i'm going to have a best partner...oh!! We need to make it official! I need to make you my mate! I need to watch when my next rut is-" "Wakatoshi kun-" "No no no, it's going to be okay. And we need to get married. Like i said before, i will marry you no matter what. We are going to invite our pack of course. How long does it take to get us married? I think that Bokuto or Kuroo could be a pastor and-" "Wakatoshi kun...relax. We still have a time. One step at a time, okay?" "Okay Satori....and satori?" "Mh?" "Thank you for coming back...thank you for loving me..and thank you for giving me the best gift ever." "No..thank you Wakatoshi. My miracle boy."

/ Did i ran out of ideas? No. Did i ran out of motivation with this? for a little bit. Now i'm trying to update once a week guys! So yes

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