Date night and gay panic

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Yamagata wasn't ready. He really wasn't. This was hell. Beta had tried so many clothes already. Semi's fashion sense wasn't.....that good. But Shirabu tried to help good beta. But still..he looked like a mess. "I can't go on a date with Reon. I look like a mess, i don't even know why he would ever want to go date with me?" Yamagata asked. And it didn't even take a second that Shirabu and Semi both kicked him. "Just shut up Hayato. You are perfect lil boy, and i will not let you talk like that, okay? You are amazing. No wonders that Reon want's to take you on a date." Semi said. Yamagata whined and watched himself on a mirror. Okay, okay okay. He can do this. Right?

Saying that Reon was having a panic was a underestimated. He was having a full gay panic. What if Yamagata wouldn't like this date? What if younger one started hating him? what if, what if and what if. "Reon, buddy relaax. Yamagata is crazy for you, you are fineee." Reon heard Tendou say. "What, yamagata is crazy? That wasn't nice to say." Ushijima said. "Waka, i didn't mean it like that.." Reon laughed a little and watched himself. Okay, okay. He was ready. "Wish me luck guys." Reon said and left. Tall man was going in the pack house, but yamagata opened the door. And....younger one looked so good. He had white blouse and black skinny jeans. Younger was good took all Reon's willpower to not lift the beta up, pin him against the wall and kiss him senseless right here, right now. " look good." Reon said and Yamagata blushed. Oh god. He just wanted to kiss the beta. Fuuuck. "Tha-thanks. So..let's go?" Younger asked and Reon nodded. 

The date was awesome. Yamagata had so much fun. Even though he had so many little gay panics. Reon looked so good with his blue dress shirt and straight black pants. Reon looked always good but like...damn. And the way Reon treated him all night. Like he was some kind of royal. It felt so nice. Yamagata laughed a little, walking beside older and taller man. "I had a nice time. Thanks Reon. I mean it." Yamagata said and smiled. He really didn't want that this would be the end. But...yeah. They were already at the pack house. Reon smiled and nodded. "I had also fun. Thank you for agreeing to come with me." Reon said and smiled. That damn smile. That would really kill yamagata someday soon. "Yamagata before we go inside the pack house i..." Reon started but cursed a little. Yamagata furrowed his eyebrows. What? Reon cursed? What? "R..reon? Is everything good?" Beta asked and watched alpha. Reon didn't say anything. He just pinned the beta against the wall, next to the door. "Reon? What are you doi-?" Yamagata couldn't finish the sentence, because Reon kissed him. HIM, OUT OF ALL THE PEOPLE. HIM. Yamagata felt how the blush appeared on his face again, but...younger one closed his eyes and answered the kiss. The kiss was becoming heated and nether of them didn't care. Only thing both of them cared was how good the kiss felt. Yamagata felt how Reon's hands were roaming on his body and younger one moaned a little. But both of them jerked off when they heard someone clear their throat. It was Bokuto. Fukurodani sub pack were having a hangout night, because konoha had come back and had joined in their large pack. "I love it that you guys are having fun, but in front of our door?" Akaashi asked and watched alpha and beta. "I...we..i-" Reon tried but Bokuto just smiled. "No problems. Just go and continue in your or Yamagata's room. There are kids who can see." "Bokuto, there is no kids." "he meant himself konoha-san." "AKAASHI! SO MEAN!" Bokuto yelled. Reon let Yamagata go and blushed a little. "Well..i don't mind if we continue in my room..i mean..." yamagata mumbled. Reon smiled and nodded. "Let's go." Alpha said and lead beta inside, still hearing fukurodani arguing outside.

"We are mates akaashi!! why are you being so mean!?" "Bokuto-san, calm down." "You heard our mom. Calm down dad." "KONOHA!" "Shut up." "But washio! he is bullying me!" "YOU OWLS SHUT THE FUCK UP!" "KUROO DON'T DISTURB US, WE ARE HAVING A CONVERSATION!" "CONVERSATION IN MY ASS YOU GUYS ARE JUST YELLING!" "SO ARE YOU!" "GUYS!" "Oh shit it was Daichi. GAYS SCATTER!" "Bokuto Koutarou, come here." "IT WAS SUGA, RIP BOKUTO!" "Kuroo Tetsurou, you too." "shit we dead kuroo." "i know bokuto. i know."

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