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I woke up at 8 am and went running for an hour. I usually run the path that goes along the river. And I use that time to imagine my next story or just think about mind blowing questions like the ones you can find on the internet. Is quite complicated to answer if we invented or discovered math.

In what the short tale part refers, I would imagine a young lady having a walk in the same direction I run. She would wear the fanciest dress and the most golden curls. And she would find a handsome man riding his horse at a fast speed, suddenly pulling the reins at the sight of the beautiful woman.

I checked my phone, I had already run 4 km and I had to do another 4 back home, so I decided to pause my imagination for a while and focused on my breathing rhythm.

"I'm here abuela!" I shouted as I closed the door of the porch when I had arrived from my early run, all sweaty and with a destroyed ponytail, baggy in my nape.

All of them were having breakfast, so I sat at the table and started to replace my wasted energy.

"Maia, should we clean the pool today?" Asked my grandfather after wiping his mouth with a napkin and grabbing the newspaper he had on the table. I already agreed to do so yesterday, I wasn't going to change now my decision.

"Mhm-mhm" I nodded checking the possible fruits I could eat that morning and grabbing a piece of melon from a bowl with a small fork.


I picked a slice of cucumber, I didn't know why this vegetable tasted so good to me. It was quite strange to be honest.

"Honey, me and dad are going to visit the next village. We are seeing my uncle Francisco, will be out the whole day" Said my mom.

"Oh okay, do I have to go?" I asked them. Because I didn't want to.

"No, you can stay, whatever you feel like" She explained and took out her phone.

"Okay, I'll stay then, and I said I was going to help to clean the pool so" I remembered the previous deal I had just made with my grandpa, taking advantage and using it as an excuse.

We finished the breakfast, and I took a very pleasuring shower because I was still sweaty from my run.

Today I was wearing some shorts of denim cloth and a cute nuclear white blouse. It had thin suspenders and it adjusted to my waist. Made of lace sewing technique, pretty elegant but adorable at the same time. But most importantly, comfortable.

As every morning, my grandma sent me to the bakery.
While I was walking down the Main Street of my little village, I tried to remember how many bread bars did I have to buy because I had forgotten it for a moment. I was nervous, I could see Harry.
I wondered what was he wearing, what was he doing, what was he gonna do today...

"Hola Trini" I said opening the door. There wasn't anybody else but me. So I got closer to the counter and placed my elbows on it.

"Tell me, the usual?" Trini asked.

"Yeah, but give me a torta de aceite as well please" I told her and she nodded, immediately grabbing what I had ordered and putting it in a long, narrow bag.

I got out of the bakery and headed my grandparents' house again, a bit disappointed I hadn't seen the curly haired boy.
I was going to clean the pool today so, later I could have a swim and refresh myself. Maybe write some new stuff...
I doubted a bit because I had just showered and the chlorine in the pool would dirt my hair once again.
However, the summer was long, but it flew very fast and I had to enjoy while it lasted. I mentally agreed to get a refreshing bath and I increased my walking speed reaching my house sooner, excited for the pool session.

"Abuelo shall we clean the pool?!" I shouted so he could hear me wherever he was. Leaving the bread on the table after closing the porch door I sought for a response.

He didn't answer, but I heard him getting out from his garage while talking to I don't know who.
I approached his garage to repeat the question and check who was the stranger, probably one of his old friends that needed some tools for his garden.

I entered the garage and met some green and dark eyes right away.
"Oh" It's what I only managed to say.
"Hi Maia, Harry came looking for something to do. He can help us to clean the pool, and then you two can have a swim"

I blinked twice wishing my grandpa hadn't said what I had just heard.

"I can help you to clean it, but I don't have my swimming trunks here" Said Harry to my surprise. His voice was monotone, but somehow relaxing. I couldn't say the same about his daring eyes. Maybe he was just shy at the beginning and as the time passed, he was starting to be more talkative.

"Oh! Don't worry, you can go home and come back with them" Said my grandfather as he closed the door of the garage with the tools for the cleaning in hand.

I got really nervous when I was around Harry, I didn't know why, it was the effect he had on me.
And thinking about seeing him shirtless and wet was a mix of the best and the worst.

Thousands of weird moments that could happen with both of us inside the water, went hastily through my head. So uncomfortable, so awkward...

My grandfather opened the fence of the pool and we entered after him.

"Okay, Harry grab from this side" Harry's bicep -doing as told- contracted when he lifted the weight, my eyes drooling over it.

"You, Maia, come here" I did what my grandpa ordered and started passing the large stick all over the pool floor, cleaning the dust.

After twenty minutes we were done, and there was still two hours or so until we had to have lunch. So we entered in the pool, of course.

As my grandpa said, Harry went home and got changed, coming back with some yellow swimming trunks.
When he opened the porch door and looked at me the way he always did; that intimidating stare, still and dark, but with no lack of cuteness in his eyes and with those trunks on, I really felt my heart skip a beat.

"I'm here" he said softly.

I wasn't changed yet, because I had been on my phone and Harry had came back sooner than I thought.
"Okay, I'm gonna put my bikini on. The pool is open you can get in" I smiled and rapidly escaped from his gaze.

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