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My mom woke me up that morning. 

"Good morning sweetheart" Said her pressing his cold hand in my forehead as I went back to my senses from my sleepy peace. I blinked rapidly focusing my sight in my mom's face. 

It was late for sure, but for sure I could've kept sleeping for four hours more.
My mother stood up from the edge of the bed and uncovered the windows swiping the curtains to the side and lifting the blinders.  
I hated how sudden and strong the light entered flashing my eyes, so I quickly covered them with the sheets. Is that annoying thing in the what-every-mom-has-to-do manual, or...

"Mom!" She ignored my complain and told me to get up, which I didn't want to and groaned at it. I watched her exit my bedroom and got mad at how I missed a good morning kiss, the fact that I got bothered by the cruel way of waking me up didn't removed my need for my mom's hugs. 

After five minutes of procrastinating for nothing, I stood up from bed still not content with it and got dressed. 

It was a hard choice, I usually spent a long time deciding what to wear. And even though my outfits were easy in summer, I tried to keep in mind what I was gonna do that day to go as appropriate as possible. I guess, everyone does that, so nothing new. 
Today I was wearing a little white dress, not for any reason actually. I loved that dress, my dad bought it for my birthday two years ago and it has definitely been my favorite dress since. 

I went downstairs and prepared something to eat. My mom told me how pretty I was in the white dress when she saw me preparing my toasts and I thanked her. 

"White fits you amazingly" She said filling a glass with water from the sink and taking long and continuous sips afterwards. 

"Thanks, nice hat by the way" I pointed out raising my brows mockingly at her farmer hat that covered her black silky hair. She just gave me a kiss on the cheek, the same one I had missed so much before and a little, caring slap on my bum. 

As everyone had already eaten, I was left alone in the wooden table of the porch eating my breakfast.

I was quite in my own little world, tasting the peach jelly of the toast. I looked over the little part where my grandma had her tulips. Some fresh, yellow petals that stood firmly on the green stem. They were rarely not wet with thick water drops, probably because yesterday's storms had been enough water and my grandma had considered that not watering was an option. I had wished multiple times to be able to draw them, but I sucked at drawing, so my best choice was writing about them or simply taking a pic.

I took a sip from my tea and kept eating the bread. Having breakfast calmly and thinking about anything, the breeze of the morning waving my hair, I don't know... everything seemed perfect. It was a whole pleasure just being by myself in a rested terrace while I tasted such a feast, I was very lucky I had all this. And being frankly, privilege is something not very considered or thanked nowadays. This magical place always stepped my back and let me admire everything that sometimes I get for granted. It is one of my healthiest therapies. 

I finished the second toast, thought about if I should've prepared another one, but two were enough for today.
I didn't move from my chair and kept staring at the landscape, I would bring the dishes to the kitchen after I had fully finished with my solitary thinking.
I looked over the door, to see what was up in the street and my eyes met a manly back and a curly-haired head right away. 

"What are you doing there?!" I said smiling. 

My knees were pressing the edge of the table and I was a bit laid back in the also oak-made chair, so I went back to my sitting posture before standing up. The mark of the table edge was left on my knees, I just passed the hand over them even though I knew it wasn't gonna help. The skin would go to its original shape once some minutes had elapsed.

"Watching you" He said smirking. 

Did he just tried to flirt with me? Not that he needs it, to be honest. His hands were around the bars of the door and I could see his face clearly because he was taller than where the door finished.
I stood up grabbing my dish and empty glass that had contained the consumed tea. And looked how he opened the front door and closed it after entering the porch. 
I quickly went inside the house to leave the plate in the small kitchen sink and flew back where Harry was with a nervous and annoying excitement. 

Harry was in the middle of the terrace, in silence, waiting for me to come out and watching every move of mine.
My hair was loose today, no messy bun no baggy, running ponytail. I was just glad I didn't woke up with a strange shape in my waves. My hair could be very indomitable and that's why my usual hair style was whatever that involved a hair band to cover the mess of a hair I had. 

I looked at him deeper, paying attention to quick details like the mole next to his chin or the scar under it. His clothes were just as random as any other day, but he had a camera hanging from his neck. 

"What is that for?" I asked him pointing at the camera at the height of his belly. 

"What's that dress for?" He replied. 

Oh no, here we go again with the tireless questions. I didn't say nothing, mainly because I didn't have any reason why I was wearing that.

I looked at the side, trying to keep up with the conversation proving that either of us was going to answer the questions made by each other. Of course, failing at the attempt.
I looked back at his handsome and so surprisingly charming face, made both of us two sillies looking at each other competing for the most pointy stare. Him being the chess queen always checkmating me. 

"What are you going to do today?" I asked as I could manage to sail the chat in a direction. 

"I guess we could take the bicycles and explore, today is not gonna rain" He said. I look at the blue sky instantly remembering what had happened the last time it rained, stormed, poured. 

"No, I'm gonna take you to a place. You will be able to take photos as well" I said bobbing my head towardsf the camera and rapidly made my way to where the bicycles were stored in my grandpa's garage. 

He took his yellow bike and I told him to wait for me outside the porch.
I entered the house shouted goodbye to whoever could be in there and then approached Harry already sat in my ocean blue bike.  

"Okay, follow me" We were always being each other's guide. Funny how humans sometimes trust so blindly. 

I started moving my feet, Harry behind me.
He hadn't asked a single thing about the destination, which surprised me but also gladdened me. 

My dress was violently snapping against my laps, but I didn't regret my choice. This dress was one of the comfiest pieces of clothe I have ever worn, another reason why I loved it so much. 

Not a long time later, we had reached the place. And for what I could take from Harry's expression he seemed to like it.

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