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"And here the New York pizza" Said the young waitress leaving the last big round dish in the left side of the table

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"And here the New York pizza" Said the young waitress leaving the last big round dish in the left side of the table. We had ordered four pizzas for all of us and gladly the Barbecue one was near me. All of us responded at the same time a soft 'thanks' and the brunette girl left with a polite smile and a brown apron around her waist.

Our table was the furthest one from the door of the restaurant and also the biggest one. Jo was sitting next to me in the red padding of the aisle. The girls and Niall in one side, the rest of the boys in front of us while sharing the excessively full table. Coke filled everybody's glasses and the four delicious and colorful pizzas took mostly the whole space on the wooden, white table.

I had my head resting on the window next to me. After knowing that the arrogantly arrogant Harry Styles was coming to the meal, all my excitement flew rapidly away. I have tried about five times to convince myself that I could have fun today not paying any attention to him and just spending some quality time with my very missed friends. But every time my eyes run around and accidentally ended meeting Harry's green irises I felt how my brow lifted and my blood boiled at hundred degrees. And that happened too often given that he was sitting in front of me. I even tried to imagine my angry face, because hell no I wasn't trying to cover it any bit.

"How was France, Niall?" Asked Jo interested on what her crush had done during the summer.

"Très beau" Said the artificially blonde guy smiling with his rosed cheeks as he detailed a bit more over his French trip.

"Where have you all been?" Asked Liam taking a slice of pizza. A big strand of melted cheese making the process even messier.

"I didn't go to a very exciting place, just the texan village from my dad's side" Said Hannah rolling her eyes. I imagined a Hannah in the most cowgirl state spending long sunsets in the porch of her very American family side.

"But the landscapes there are beautiful for pictures" Said Jo replying to my not very content friend. I didn't think that the girl who had spent her holidays in Maldivas would persuade the girl that had been a whole month in a lost village in the middle of nowhere that Instagram pictures were the strength of the random place.

"No it doesn't, trust me. What about you Harry?" Hannah had no idea what was she doing by getting his attention. I had it for three minutes and it made my nerves have a rebellion inside me.

The boy that was called cleaned his mouth with a napkin. He had a clam voice, but the words come out too slowly and it was bothering me. A lot.

"London" He simply said and I took a slice of the exquisite round feast. I felt his eyes on my while I pretended... no, while I didn't give a damn about how he had spent his long vacations.

"Wow, I've seen you have a bit of accent. Do you have family over there?" Hannah asked a bit further, clearly not pleasing for the boy I hated so much.

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