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I had finished my breakfast long ago and in that moment I was in the porch, reading some of the tales I had written during the summer, nervously waiting for Harry.

Yesterday, after our bath in the pool he told me he would come to farewell in the morning but, I didn't want him to come, I didn't want him to leave.

This year's summer I hadn't written as much as I was used to. But that's quite obvious, I have had some very busy days with Harry here and the best summer of my life if I talk frankly.

"How are you, princesa?" Asked my abuelita that was carrying some tomatoes in a basket, probably ready to be given to some neighbor.

"Good, Harry is leaving today so I'm just waiting for him so we can say goodbye" I explained.

I'm not in the greatest mood and my granny always sensed when something was wrong with me.

"Oh! When does his flight take off?" She asked leaving the basket in the breakfast table.

"At 3 pm I think, but I'm not sure" I told.

"Well, if he is going to come to say goodbye, I will wait here before I go to do some errands" Said the old lady.

I simply nodded at her and continued going through the pages of my almost finished notebook.

"Hey" I heard a low voice coming out of the porch. I immediately stood up given that it was Harry.

"Hey chico! Maia told me you're leaving, have a good flight and a good way back home" My grandmother wished him hugging the boy with kindness.

"Thanks María and thanks for the pool and everything" He replied politely. I felt like crying.

"Bye Harry, see you!" Farewelled my grandmother taking the tomato basket and exiting the porch. I wished it was as easy as that for me. 

"Bye!" He replied once more.

I looked at him. His gorgeous face ruled by the vivid green eyes that made my world paralyze, his perfect body that I've seen in the pool so many days. This really couldn't be over this fast.

"Come here" He said. Yeah, he noticed how my eyes began to get heavy and a bit wetter than usual.

I run to his arms and he surrounded his arms behind my neck as I hugged his body. He was dressed a bit more fancier now that he was heading the city.

We stepped away and Harry took out a paper from one of his pockets giving it to me.

"What is this?" I asked looking at the photograph he had printed.

"A picture I took of you the day you took me to your family's vineyard" He said, his dimples showing off for no reason. Why was he so cute?

I looked at him with an 'you didn't have to do this' face, and looked at the picture again, it was so beautiful. My hair waving with the little breeze of the countryside just like my white dress. My figure in the middle of the breathtaking Spanish landscape. However, the surprise didn't finished there because at the other side of the picture some words were written by him. I had never seen his handwriting before, which was curious because he had seen mine thousands of times. For example, when we just relaxed laid on the grass listening to music while I wrote and he slept or sang. Because he actually had a good voice.

"I'll think about you when I look at the stars. Love you, H" I read out loud.

A huge urge of having his arms around me took me over and I jumped to him again.

"You will always be my moon" I whispered to him avoiding a shaky voice.

Not thinking it twice our faces came close and our lips joined, kissing in the middle of the porch. My hand caressed his soft skin and he gave me one last kiss on my cheek.

"Goodbye Maia" Said he.

"Wait!" I yelled and run to the table where my notebook still was. The pages rattling opened because of the wind. 

I pull out a page from it, bend it and wrote 'do not open it util you're gone because it's embarrassing' in the folded paper.

I went back to Harry and gave it to him.

Did I gave him the description I did the first day I met him? Yes. But don't worry, I made some updated changes.

Harry read the folded part of the page and smiled nodding and keeping it in the same pocket he had carried my present.

"Have a good flight Harry" I said and he thanked it.

He opened the fence of the porch and exited it. A tear rolled down my cheek, he was gone, for now. There's a summer every year, he will come back.

We only have to call the rain, summer storms are our specialty.


"What a shitty ending!" I shouted to myself sitting in my bedroom desk

It was the first day of school and I usually write a book every summer. But this year, I have made one of the worst writings I have ever written. 

"Maia, get down and have breakfast!" Shouted my mother form the kitchen.

If you are wondering what I think you are wondering, yes. I did write a book with my own name in it about a Summer love, but the boy's name was even more unrealistic than the story. When did I thought naming a character Harry Styles was a good idea? 

"Coming!" I shouted back closing my laptop and putting it inside my school bag. 

I was pretty excited, it has been more than two months since I hadn't seen my friends, Jo and Hannah. One of them told yesterday in the group chat that there was a new boy in our class. But you know, a lot of rumors are made up around this time of the year so I preferred not to believe it.

I took my phone from my bedroom desk and the school bag, Then, went downstairs to the kitchen. I had already had breakfast but I decided to take an apple to eat on my way to high school.

"So? How was your book this summer" Asked my father sipping from his tea sat in a chair. Every year, I make a summary of my improvements and things I have to practice about my writing. A kind of self-critic. And then, tell my parents about my reflection.

"A complete disaster" I sighed.

"Why?" Asked my mom that was sitting next to my dad having a toast.

"I completely messed up the verbal tenses and it's just... lame and unrealistic" I hate when things don't go as good as I wanted them to, especially if I am the one who did it, if it carries my name. 

I have pretty clear that I want to be a writer when I grow up so I just try to practice and improve as much as I can. I carry the school's newspaper during the curse and the yearbook when the last semester arrives. 

"Well, don't worry honey, sometimes you loose and other times you learn" Said my mom and I took a bite from the apple that was still wrapped by my fingers. 

"Anyways, I'll get going. I don't wanna be late. I'm nervous about my new teachers" I said lifting my brows to my parents and hooking the bag from my shoulder.

"Good luck hon'" Wished my mom as I checked if I had my keys in the bag.

"Thanks, same to you. Bye!" I shouted from the entrance.

Let's get started...

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